Sunday, 4 December 2022

Scary Squirrel? (Oct,19, 2022)

 We are still being blessed with lovely weather over here.

So I made sure to get out for a walk this morning,

I've been hearing rustling in the woods the last few times I've walked and it's kind of unnerving because we have all kinds of wild animals around here.

Like coyotes, cougars, deer, moose and bears.

So every time I hear the noise my heart starts going faster and I get scared and speed up a little.
I try to look through the trees to see if I can see anything but I never do, until this morning.

I finally discovered who/what the noise making culprit is.

Ready for it.......?

A squirrel.

Ha ha.

I heard the noises again today only even louder than normal and when I looked over, I could see a squirrel running around up and down the trees.

Who knew a squirrel could make so much noise.

Another gorgeous tree in our parking lot - this one my friend Paula would most definitely call a 'ketchup' tree.
So pretty.

On break Bonnie mentioned that she started watching this on Netflix and she's liking it so far so I  think I'll check it out.

I have decided to run every second day for now and see how that goes so I got out at noon for my run.

I did just over 5k.

It felt really hard today, like I passed by my place when I was only 1.8k in and I really wanted to stop right then.

I made myself keep going though.
It got a bit better, but not much.

My exercise details and average heart rate.
My average heart rate is still going down a bit which is good.
I did really try to concentrate on my breathing, trying to breath deeply - it's hard.
I also really tried to slow myself down so that I could keep going.
Also harder to do than you would think.

My average pace and splits.
I did go up a pretty steep hill so I had to walk a little at the top of it hence the super long km there.
Still in the 7's though.
I'd love to be getting faster instead of slower but I just need to give myself grace.
I'll get better, I just need to keep at it.

I decided to start back with video check ins after my runs - mainly so a few years down the road I can look back at these and see how far I've come.

I rode my bike back to work after lunch but by the end of the day it had gotten much cooler and windier so I put my bike in the entrance to our office and got a lift home with Bonnie.

Honestly, the weather wasn't that bad and I could have ridden my bike home but I just wasn't feeling. it.

I had a package from Amazon today.
I got these outdoor spotlights that I just ordered.

I also got a soldering iron kit.
I want to try to fix the compressor that came with my air brush kit.
Jason took it apart and we can see that a wire came loose so I soldered it back together and now it's working again.

I used to work at a factory that made sonobuoys and there were a bunch of different stations that we rotated through and a couple of them were soldering stations and I loved soldering.
Those were my favorite stations.

As soon as I got home after work, I went right downstairs and got my 20 minutes done on the treadmill.

Always feels good even if I did only walk.

Next I decided to get this grey taken care of.
I picked up a dye kit last time I was in the city and I kept the little brush I got from a grey coverage kit I got one time so I'm going to give it a go.

Last time I tried it on my own, I missed a lot in the back plus the kit was only a small kit so I ran out of dye.
This time I'm just using a whole box dye but I'm just putting it on the roots.
I'm going to be more careful about trying to cover the stuff in the back but honestly, if I can just cover up the stuff in the front, it will make me feel much better.

Think I did a good job of getting everything covered this time.

I decided to have a bath so I covered it up with a bag and let it cook for a bit.

I think it looks pretty good - can't see any grey.

I always feel so much better after I get the grey covered up - it makes me feel so old.
I know a lot of people are deciding to let their hair go natural but I just don't feel ready for that yet.
Honestly I'm not sure if I ever will.

I cooked up some salmon and baby potatoes for supper and made a salad.

It's supposed to really cool down tomorrow, maybe even possibly snow so when Jason got home from work he headed out to pick his tomatoes from his little greenhouse.
It was pitch dark out there so he had to use a headlamp but he got it done.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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