Sunday 4 December 2022

I Have to Admit, Winter Can Be Pretty (Nov.3, 2022)

It is still a frosty world out there but the sun was out at least.

I got out for a quick walk to the road and back this morning.
One thing I will say about winter is that the hoar frost is beautiful.

Everything just looks so pretty, icy and sparkly.

The sun was starting to melt it all so I tried to capture a few pictures before it's gone.

It was a busy day at work running reports and doing payroll.
Month end stuff - I like it though - I really prefer to be super busy.

At lunchtime I dropped off a few more things to the hardware - just things that I had leftover from last year.

After work, I gathered up all of the Halloween/Fall decorations that I had around the house so I could get them packed up.
I filled up one container and now I need to get another.
Going to Whitecourt tomorrow to have lunch with Sharon so I think I'll get one then.

Then I hopped on the treadmill to get my 20 minutes in.

I tried a bit of running or I guess jogging really because I was going fairly slow.
I started at a speed of 3.0 and upped it by .1 each minute until I got to 4.0 then did the same thing but back down to 3.0.
So I was able to run for 20 minutes or so - even though it was at a very slow pace, I consider that progress.
I'll see how my body reacts tomorrow and if all is good, I'll try running/jogging again in a day or two.
Just want to go super slow with it so I don't end up hurt again.

I stayed on for a bit longer and did some walking at an incline - I was watching an episode of The 7 Little Johnston's so I figured I'd just keep walking until it was done.

I worked up a bit of a sweat and it felt good.
I did remember to get my 10 squats and 10 lunges in after my treadmill workout too.
I forgot about it yesterday until I was in bed so I had to hop out of bed and do them.
Thankfully I remembered though and got them done.

I had a bit of a snuggle with my Paddy Bear before I got up and made supper.

I cooked fish, frozen veggies and instant mashed potatoes.
No gourmet meal for sure but it was good enough.

I've been doing super good at tracking and staying on track.
I have three days down of reaching all of my 4 goals each day of November so far, 27 more to go!

When Jason got home, we decided to watch She Hulk on Disney+.
He didn't really want to but I didn't want to watch Hawkeye either but ended up really liking it.

So we gave it a try but only made it about 20 minutes in or so before we gave up.

In Jason's words 'it was a flaming turd'.
I have to say that I completely agree.

At least we gave it a shot.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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