Sunday 4 December 2022

Autumn Scented Candles Needed (Sept.25, 2022)

I woke up early again this morning.

I don't know why it's so hard to get out of bed in the morning on weekdays when I have to go to work but then on the weekends I just wake up super early and I'm happy to get up because I feel like I have more of a day then.

Does that make sense?


I had a nice long, hot bubble bath this morning and found a new book to read.

I picked it up at the second hand store for 50 cents (such a great deal for books).

I'm liking it so far - it establishes a bit of a mystery right off the bat so that kind of gets you hooked.

After my bath, I wanted to get to work on a couple more projects.
I cut out a piece of faux leather to use to hang my handles on the cauldron.

I just glued it on with craft glue so I have these little clamps holding it together until it dries.
I painted them the same black as the cauldron but I don't think they are really going to stand out so I may paint them silver or bronze later.

Freya wanted to come over for a visit so Kody dropped her off around noon.

I decided to clean out my 'candle' cupboard as it's right in the living room and it's something I could work on with Freya there.

I've been just shoving things in there for years hoping it will fit.

It's so messy though that it's hard to find things when I need them.

I pulled everything out, purged the stuff that was garbage and then re-organized and it looks so good now.

I but all the wax melts in their own basket so I'll be able to easily find them now.

I realized that I have lots of Christmas scents but no Autumn scented stuff.
Think I need to pick up some apple cinnamon or pumpkin spice stuff next time I'm at the store.

Freya wanted to go to a walk to the store to get some squishies from the gumball machine.
She just loves to cut them open and see what's inside.

She wanted to wear the new dress I picked up for her yesterday at the second hand store for $1.50.
It's so cute on her.

She would have worn her onesie pj's if I'd let her but since I wouldn't, the dress with tights was the next best thing in her mind.
She absolutely loves tights too.

Mom came with us for a walk too.

Freya wanted to go the park but I had a cartful of stuff to get home and it looked like a storm was brewing so I figured when we got home, I'd grab the car and we could go back.

That way, if it started raining, we could just hop in the car and go home.

However, when we got home, Kody called to say that Zepplyn wanted to come over to hang out with Freya so she was excited to go home and play with her.

Adrien and Mel were heading to WCT so I asked if they could pick me up a couple of these heads while they were there.

Professor Snuggles just chilling on the couch.

Jason worked more on his faun when he got home.
He's using clay to add details to the face.

I found a new YouTube channel that I'm really enjoying so far, Our Upcycled Life.
She made her own chalk paint and silicone molds and she also showed how to do reverse transfers with Modge Podge and I totally want to try all of those things now.

Got my 10,000 steps in, starting tomorrow, I'm going to start shooting for 13,000 a day again.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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