Sunday 4 December 2022

Happy Halloween! (Oct.31, 2022)

Monday means weigh in day and as expected, it was not good.

I weighed in at 205.8 lbs.

That's up .4 lbs since last week.

I guess if I'm being honest I thought it was going to be worse, I'm glad it wasn't.

Since today is the last day of October I decided I'm going to give myself a bit of a free day today to enjoy some Halloween candy, not worry about getting steps in or time on the treadmill and no tracking.

But starting tomorrow, I've come up with a few goals for November that I'm going to really do my best to try to complete.

1. Track on the WW app and earn a blue dot every day in November. (Getting a blue dot means staying within your points range).

2. At least 20 minutes on the treadmill every day - it can be running, walking on an incline or just regular walking, as long as it's at least 20 minutes.

3. Complete some strength training exercises for my legs each day. So that will include 10 squats and 10 lunges and then whatever else I can think of.

4. Get in at least 13,000 steps per day.

I really want to get back to running and that's the only thing I can think of that can help to heal my leg.

That's it really - my 4 goals for each day in the month of November.

There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to complete them and I'm going to give it my best.

Jason's woke up with these red marks all over his thumb.
Likely from all that pumpkin carving this weekend.
He said it wasn't itchy like mine was but still unusual.

Haylee and Kody both had to work so they dropped Freya off to Jason early.
She had to make a few touch ups to Jason's pumpkins (with a butter spreader).

Jason went out and moved some of his folks around the yard again this morning.
The forecast had been calling for snow but so far it looks like it might actually be nice weather tonight for the Trick or Treater's.
I sure hope so.

My delicious break food.

The girls at the St Albert office went all out for Halloween and I love it.
I always think I'm going to dress up each year but then it always gets here and I haven't made any plans and then it's just too late.
Maybe next year!

When I went home at lunch time, Freya was still there.
Her hair was just a mess of tangles so I convinced her to let me wash it, brush it and braid it so that's what I did on my lunch hour.

I was thinking she was going to be Annabelle for Halloween but for some reason she decided that she wants to be a Hat.
I have no idea where that came from.
She has a bunch of costumes to choose from and she just from nowhere decides she wants to be a hat.
Ha ha, silly girl.

When Haylee came to pick her up, she and Jason were trying to convince her to dress up as Annabelle since we don't have a hat costume but she just wouldn't go for it.
She did agree finally to wear the mermaid costume she had though so that was good.

Haylee did her make up and I think she looks pretty good.

Cutest little mermaid ever!

After Freya left, Jason fired up the pizza oven and cooked us up a plethora of pizzas for supper.

Getting ready to head out trick or treating.

Haylee's make up looks really good too.

She and Crystal always dress up to go trick or treating with the kids.

Halloween picture with Mommy.

Trick or Treating 2022 has begun.

Hunter was one of the first kiddos that we got at our place.
Adrien and Mel both took him trick or treating.

Kody, Haylee, Freya, Crystal and Zepplyn all dropped by a bit later.
Freya was cold and just done with trick or treating so she wasn't in any mood for me to take her picture.
Luckily they'd taken some earlier before they headed out.
They did convince her to just finish up this street then I think they took her home.

Alivia showed up a bit later in the evening, she was trick or treating with friends.
She was Sally and I love it.

I was kind of expecting that we would get lots of kids this year.
We didn't though.

We always keep a tally and we ended up with 54 this year.
I think that's down from last year.

I was surprised because the weather was pretty good and we made sure to light up our place really good and put lots of decorations out.

The kids that we did get this year were all very polite and mannerly though, it was really nice.
I love giving out the treats and seeing all the costumes.

It was very sporadic though so I did have time to finish up this little snowman guy I started yesterday.

I always love seeing the costumes that family post on Facebook so I thought I would share them here.

My sister.

Ethan and Declan.

Declan was a banana for the last two or three years so I was surprised to see he picked something else this year.

Leah and Mia, my cousin Brodie's twins were cute little witches.

Awww - they are so cute.

My cousin Colleen with her grand babies.

Colleen got into the spirit of things too - so rad!

I love his costume - so adorable.

Cutest minion ever.

With his mom Mallary - she sure has some cute little boys there.

This costume suits Bella so well.

My cousin Rodney's girls with a couple of their friends.

My cousin Danielle and her family out Trick or Treating.

My cousin Matthew's little guy.

OMG - so stinking cute!

They posted a video of him crawling around and it looked so adorable.

One of his sister Kelsey's girls.

There is a little better of one - I love the back drop.

And her sister.

There they all are with my cousin Dawn.
I'm not sure who is Chucky, possibly one of Kelsey's older boys.

I was looking for storage solutions for all the tools in the garage and I found this shelf.

It looks pretty basic so I think Jason could likely make this.

I really want to get out into the garage and finish it up so I'm trying to figure out how to store and organize the rest of the little things that are out there.

Saw this for sale on a website (I accidentally cropped the name out of the photo and now I can't find it).
I just thought it was super cute.

I ate A LOT of candy tonight, some pizza and some chips.
My belly wasn't thanking me for it but that's ok, today was my reset day and tomorrow it will be back on track.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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