Sunday 4 December 2022

Massage Day and Family Pictures (Nov.22, 2022)

So pretty quiet day over here today.

I woke up to a block on my wifi because I'd gone over my data.
We get 500 GB of data and this is the first time we've ever gone over.

I could have just clicked the link and gotten it turned back on but I still have 6 days left in this billing cycle and I didn't want to end up owing them hundreds of dollars or something so after my morning full of meetings, I tried giving them a call.

They were very busy but did that call back thing and of course they called me at lunch right when I got on the treadmill.
I decided that I was going to try to get a run in on the treadmill today.
They got the wifi all fixed up, I upgraded to a 1 TB package which is going to cost me an extra $35 per month, hopefully we won't get over that limit.

The call took a while so I ended up having to go back to work without hopping on the treadmill.

I had a massage booked at 6 tonight so figured I could hop on the treadmill after work before I headed down there but then she called to see if I could come at 5:30 instead.

So I really only had time to eat a quick salad for supper before I headed down there.
It was kind of nice out, 4C, so I walked down.

I always love massage day.

That's about it for my day so I thought I'd share these family pictures my brother and family went and had done.

Adrien and Mel.

Adrien, Mel, Alivia and Hunter.

This is a fun one of all of them.

This is cute too, kind of far away though.

One last one of Adrien and Mel.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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