Sunday 4 December 2022

Foggy Morning and Selfie Overload (Oct.6, 2022)

 It was super foggy out there this morning.

I was nervous about turning onto the highway when I was going to work because I couldn't see a thing in either direction.

I still managed to go out for my walk.

This was around 9:30 so the fog had lifted a little by then but it was still really hard to see.

Normally you'd be able to see the office from here but not today.

At lunch time I went home and finished up the black base coat on the other side of all my wood pieces.
Then the sun cam out so I was able to ride my bike back to work.

I got out for another walk to the town turn off too in the afternoon.

As soon as I got home from work I went right downstairs to get my 20 minutes done on the treadmill.

I just walked on an incline and actually stayed on a bit longer because I was watching the end of a movie I started yesterday so I wanted to finish it up.

Christmas Jars
It was like a cheesy Hallmark movie which I was kind of in them mood for and I really liked it.

Worked up a pretty good sweat too just walking at an incline.
(I've taken a lot of selfies today).

After I worked out, I had leftover shrimp and grits for supper.
I love leftovers, makes meals so easy!

Then I got a white coat of paint on one side of all of my wood pieces.

I also did a bit of cleaning.
I had wanted to decorate the pumpkins that I'd made over the weekend but by the time I finished cleaning I was ready for relaxation time.

Jason went for a run when he got home from work then we started watching Morbius.

It was ok.
Not my favorite but not terrible.
We didn't finish it though, we were both tired so we'll save the rest for another time.

Another all green day in the books!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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