Sunday 4 December 2022

Giant Bubbles (Oct.2, 2022)

I was up super early again this morning and Jason was still sleeping so I found a sappy, Hallmark type Christmas movie to watch cause I was kind of in the mood.

I worked on sanding all these little pieces off then I got the reverse images mod podged on.

You need to wait 24 hours before you can rub the paper off so I won't be able to do that until tomorrow but I'm really excited to see if it works.

If it does, it will just open a world of possibilities.

Alivia posted this cute picture of she and Hunter to Snapchat.

Coincidentally, as I was looking at this, Adrien called to see if Hunter could come over as both he and Mel had to work.

So of course I told him to bring him on over.
Adrien said he'd been asking to come visit for a few days anyway.

As soon as he got there, Jason headed out for his run and Hunter and I got ready and went down to the store for a walk.
I wanted some eggs and he was going to get a treat.

Later in the afternoon, we had to go back to the store so this time we took the bikes down.
Jason took Hunter in the bike trailer down to his place where we picked up his bike then Jason had the trailer for us to put groceries in for the ride home.

Hunter wanted to make giant bubbles so we needed to pick up some dish detergent.

He needed a drink after all that biking we did, he was parched!

When we got back to the house, Jason and Hunter mixed up the bubble concoction for the giant bubbles.

It's a lot of fun trying to see how big of a bubble you can make and you really can make giant ones.

Hunter was really getting the hang of it.

Look at how bit this one was, cool!

I was out there making bubbles with Hunter for quite a while - he just wanted to pop them but he was having fun.

Jason made bread for supper with tomatoes fresh from the garden, olives and parmesan.
It was really good.

He also made roasted zucchini/curry soup.
OMG, it was delicious, I had two bowlfuls.

I couldn't stay out of the cookies again either so I know my weigh in is not going to be good tomorrow.
My own doing though.

It always seems to be a struggle lately to stay on track but just because I have an off day or two doesn't mean I'm giving up.

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed try, try again (even if it takes 100 tries).

I got another project ready for my booth at the hardware, I'm happy with how it turned out.

It was around 8:30 when I realized I hadn't gotten on the treadmill yet so I went down and got that done.
Definitely didn't want to miss out on my goals on the second day.

I tried a bit of running (still a no go) then I just walked but upped the incline all the way to 5.0 then back down again

Got 30 minutes in and got my 13,000 steps in.

Each time I go to the Hardware to check on my booth, the ladies down then tell me that my sweater pumpkins are really popular so I decided to make a few new ones.

I had this scarf that I'd picked up last year, it was enough to make three so I got them all sewn, stuffed and then I sewed on the 'bumps'.

Now they are ready for the fun part, embellishment.

I worked on them while we watched some tv.
We started watching the new Star Wars mini series on Disney+ and so far we are really enjoying it.

Jason's faun is coming along nicely too.
He's been working on clothing him today and adding runes.
He is looking awesome!

My Uncle Adrien turned 80 over the weekend and they had a little get together for him.
Wish I was closer so I could have gone.
My Uncle Jimmy did make it there to celebrate with him.

Freya ended up staying in Barrhead the whole weekend so we didn't get to see her at all which was weird for us.

Crystal was bringing her home today though so I'm sure she'll be over to our place tomorrow sometime throughout the day.

All green again - two days in a row, I'm on a roll!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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