Sunday 4 December 2022

Celebrating Bonnie Early. (Oct.8, 2022)

 I was heading into the city with Bonnie and Nadine today to do some shopping and celebrate Bonnie's birthday so I was up early to have a shower.

Her birthday isn't until Oct.22 but it just worked out that we could all go today.

I still had quite a bit of time before we were leaving after my shower so I decided to hop on the treadmill and get my 20 minutes done for the day.

Got 'er done!

I only walked so I didn't think I would get sweaty from just walking but I did.

I did the driving today and I went and picked the girls up at 8 am.

We headed to Westlock first and stopped at McDonald's for some breakfast.
Next stop was at Bonnie's daughter Charlotte's place.
She is planning on enlarging one of her daughter's bedrooms and wanted some advice on how to do it.

We had a look at that and visited with her for about an hour or so then it was on to the next stop, Country Farmhouse Home Decor.

It's a little decor store in Picardville that we all love but it's closing unfortunately.
They were having a closing out sale so we stopped by to see what they had.

I did get a few things and I got a few ideas of things that I could make.

This little welcome pumpkin was cute.

Another version of a pumpkin - I like how tall it is.

I've always had a thing for bird houses.

I had considered making these rustic looking Canadian flags before but never ever did.
I think they would be cute to have at a camp or lake lot.

I like the rustic table.

I love the HOME sign - the 'O' was missing but I think it may have been a wreath.

After the decor store, we headed on into the city and stopped at Costco first thing.

I found a snowsuit for Freya for $50.00 which I thought was a great deal.
Started on some of mom's Christmas shopping for her too.

We also hit up Michael's were I got some more chalk paint and Winner's where I got a couple tops and a couple sweaters.

It ended up turning into a gorgeous day, it was like 26 C out there and I had worn a long sleeve top so I was just sweltering.
I decided to change into one of the short sleeve tops that I'd just picked up for myself.

We were pretty hungry so around 3 pm, we headed to Moxie's for some supper.
It was a great time to go because it wasn't busy at all at that time.
It was so nice out that we had to take advantage of it and sit in their patio seating.

Bonnie and Nadine.


I had a steak and chimichurri salad and it was delicious.

After supper we made a stop at Walmart.
I needed some stuff for supper tomorrow and a few other things.
I had my cart filled up in record time.

And that was it.
After Walmart we headed home, I think it was around 7:00 when we left the city and it was starting to get dark already.
I miss the long summer nights already.

I dropped the girls off then headed home.
I was expecting Freya to be there, but she ended up spending the night at Zepplyn's so it was just Jason and I.

We didn't stay up very late since he had to work in the morning and everyone is coming tomorrow for dinner so I plan on being up early to get everything prepared.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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