Sunday 4 December 2022

Day of Shopping (Nov.19, 2022)

I was up early this morning and working on my list again.
I wanted to make Coscto my first stop and it opened at 9 so I packed up and headed out of my room just after 8.
I stopped at Starbucks, got a coffee and a croissant then checked out and went to my car.
I ate my croissant while it was warming up and gave Jason a call just to chat.
I miss him when I'm not with him.

We chatted until about 8:40 then I headed over to Costco, found a parking spot and got in the line up to go in (it was just a little line up).
I got a few things that mom needed, a few gifts from me to folks and some groceries.

I sent a text to my sister to see if she'd wear these but she never got back to me until after I left so I didn't get them but she said she did like them so I got her some similar ones at another store.

I hit up Walmart next because both Alivia and Morgan want bookshelves.
I wanted to check Walmart first and if they didn't have what I needed, I was going to head to Ikea.
Luckily Walmart did have what I was looking for so that saved me a trip to the South Side.
Also so these Magic Mixies - it's what Freya keeps saying she wants for Christmas so I picked one up for her.

I ran into one of the Nipisi guys that I'd met last night, Jonathan Nicholl and his wife there shopping.
I think a lot of us use this Christmas party trip as a shopping trip as well.

I saw this swing for 30 bucks and I thought Haylee might really like it but I think it would just be a big hassle to try to install so I skipped it.

Found this men's top for 10 bucks that I thought Jason might like for running so I picked it up.

I got a lot of shopping done and by 3pm I hadn't eaten anything except that croissant and I was hungry.
I stopped at Burger King and got a couple of Jr. Whoppers thinking that would perk me up and I could keep going but I was honestly feeling a bit done at that point.

I did make a couple more stops in Spruce Grove as I drove through and got another couple gifts.
I also made a stop at Cobb's for a scone - they are so delicious.
I wanted to buy a whole box full but only got two.

Ate one right away then half of the other when I got home - I made Jason eat the other half so I wouldn't.

I got home around 5:45 and I stopped at the store and picked up a couple of frozen pizza's for supper.
I got everything brought in and put away at home and was just about to sit down when Kody showed up with Freya - great timing.

She had spent the night last night with Jason and mom watched her today until the kids got off work but I asked if I could have her over tonight so I could spend some time with her.

Jen remembered about sending me pictures of the boys today for the ornaments that I want to make.

That's a better one, he's smiling so nicely.


I think she made him hold his hair back out of his face.

But I like it better when it's down.
He's handsome either way really.

Made her send me one of herself too.
This is a nice one but I want a more straight on one so I made her send another.

This one will work better for what I need.

She wanted a snack and I kept tossing out options but she kept saying no.
Then finally she said she wanted tuna and crackers so that's what I made her.

My sweet girl.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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