Thursday 15 December 2022

Crazy Cats and Office Gift Exchange (Dec.14, 2022)

 Last night before I went to bed, I had gotten my gift for the office gift exchange today all wrapped and ready to go.

Then I woke up to this.
The cats had knocked over the gift (I picked it back up before I took this picture) and they'd shredded up all the tissue paper I had so prettily arranged.
Little buggers.
So I grabbed some more tissue paper to take to the office with me and I fixed it up there.

We had a pretty good crew - I think there were 18 of us.

A few of the Secure guys plus Tom and Blair.

Bonnie and I.

Dustin and Shennelle.

We had quite a spread - this is just the desserts actually.

I had to try a little bit of everything.
After I finished eating, my belly wasn't feeling so good.

We pull numbers for the gift exchange and I got number 18 which is a better number to get.
That means I have last choice and can pick anything that someone else has gotten (unless it was already stolen twice) or I can take the last gift left wrapped.

Larry did get a sweet bouquet of scratch tickets I considered taking but I didn't want to be mean so I just took the last gift.
It was camo gloves, a toque, a 25 gift card to Cabella's and some chocolates.
Shennelle got a 25 dollar gift card to Amazon (she got my gift actually) so she traded with me which was nice of her.
I'll give the gloves to Tanner (he's the only hunter in the family) and Jason said he'd use the toque for running.
It is a nice toque.

The gift exchange was a lot of fun.
Once of the hot items was a wood splitter that Jody made.
That was stolen a few times.

Scott got a water mug that had a Unicorn on it and it said 'Bitch Please' which was so funny because that is just so far off of Scott's personality.
Dustin thought the gift limit was 5 dollars so he felt pretty bad.

We all just thought it was funny.

He had no gift last night and told his wife he needed a 5 dollar gift - she told him they had a box of turtles and that they were more than 5 dollars though and he just said that was ok - he said he felt good going a little over, ha ha.

He ended up just picking his own gift on purpose.

We all visited for a bit after the gift exchange but then we all cleaned up then I really had to get to my office to get some work done.

After work, I stopped at the post office and mailed a parcel off to Jason's parents.
Hopefully it gets there before Christmas.

When I got home, I finished up my second set of bells.

I'm realizing now that they aren't actually done as I didn't add the clackers.
I'll have to do that tomorrow night.
I also got a coat of white paint on these pieces of wood I'm going to use for shelf sitters.

Then I got going on meat pie production.
I just made as may pie crusts as I could with the big can of shortening I bought.
I put the dough in the fridge to set for 15 minutes then I got going.

First batch out of the oven.
I wasn't sure how many I would be able to make but I just figured I'd make as many as I could with the meat that I had.

I ended up getting 9 all together which I thought was pretty good.
Enough for a feed on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning which is what I wanted.

It was late when I finished up - 10:30 - so it took up pretty much my whole evening but that's ok, at least they are done!

I'll cover them over with dish towels, leave them cool until morning then put them in bags.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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