Sunday 4 December 2022

Friday!! Purple Potatoes and Sleep Over (Sept.23, 2022)

Yay - It's Friday - my favorite day of the week!

It was a bit breezy out this morning for my walk to the road.
Nothing like what they are expecting on the East Coast though with Hurricane Fiona expected later tonight.
I hope everyone stays safe.

My hair is getting long - might be time for a trim.

The grey is making a comeback too, soon time to get that taken care of.

Calvin brought a bunch of purple and red potatoes from his garden to share, says he has lots more too so I took a bagful.

I ended up working right through lunch today - I wasn't meaning too but just got busy and lost track of the time.
Once I realized, it was already 1:30 so I just decided to keep on working and maybe leave early at the end of the day.
I was working on getting some projects completed for my performance review (I hate this time of year) and I ended up getting them done but I didn't really end up leaving early.
Now I just have to fill in the performance review itself and I'll be all prepared for next week.
I dislike doing them so I always procrastinate but I always eventually end up getting them done.

After work I went for a little bit of a walk because it was so nice out.

When I got home, Adrien asked if I could watch Hunter while he and Mel went on a date.
Of course I said yes.
Then Kody and Freya dropped by and when she saw Hunter she wanted to stay so I let her.
Those two play together so well.
We just hung out and they were watching YouTube videos on my phone so I didn't get any pictures.

They were both so happy when Jason got home from work - he's the fun one they always tell me.
He did play with them for a bit.

We tried to watch a movie, the latest Thor movie, but the kids weren't really interested.

They decided they wanted to have a sleep over so I let them.

We made a bed on the floor at the end of our bed with the cushions from the couch for Hunter.
He wanted Freya to sleep there with him, I didn't think she would but she did.

It was so cute, after the lights were out and we were going to sleep I heard him asking her if she wanted him to snuggle her.

Didn't reach the 10,000 today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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