Tuesday 13 December 2022

Admin Christmas Lunch and Gift Exchange and Glow (Dec.9, 2022)

I love keeping up with Molly's antics.
It's snowflakes in bed today.

We have our admin Christmas party and gift exchange in the city today and we are taking in a company truck and I was driving.
I brought the truck home last night so I picked up Shennelle and Bonnie at 7:30 am and we were off.
Meanwhile back home, Freya had spent the night again.
Jason was trying to clean off the face drawings from last night - he got most of it off - she wasn't happy about it.

We made one stop on our way to the city at Westlock for coffee and breakfast sandwiches then we made it to the St Albert office at 10:30 on the nose.

We had a bit of a safety meeting first and played a couple of games - they were tests really, 3 of them but they were fun.

Our lunch arrived at noon - we had a Chinese food feast.

After lunch it was time for the gift exchange.

We always start off with the gift we brought then Becky reads a story with lots of rights and lefts in it and each time she says either, we move the gifts accordingly around the table.

Once the story ends, the gift you are left with is yours.
I got some body scrub, some lotion and some really delicious caramels.
We have a $20 dollar gift limit so you have to get creative, 20 bucks doesn't go so far these days.

After the gift exchange it was time for crafting.
Colleen had emailed ahead and told us to bring our glue guns with us.
Becky, Wanda, Kristen and Michelle.

We had to find plug ins for everyone to use but once we did that, we got going.

Selfie with Megan and Lisa.

Shennelle, Odessa, Pat and Becky.

Ilana, Bonnie and Laurie.
Laurie actually used to work out of our office.

Layna and I.

We were doing lots of chatting and visiting while we crafted so that was nice.

Look at all the cords going every where.

The finished products.
We had to take the clothespins apart to make the snowflakes so we used the metal part to make a little star.

It was really a lot of fun.
It's always so nice to see these people that we work with all year long but don't really get to see in person.

Shennelle's son picked her up around 2:30 - they were staying in the city over night.
Then Bonnie and I headed over to the mall.
Her husband was coming in and they were staying the night - we were going to shop until he arrived but he ended up getting there early so we didn't get a whole lot of shopping done.

I dropped her off then headed over to meet Jason, Freya, Crystal and Zepplyn at Glow.
We were all staying in for the night too.
They had tickets for 4 pm and I wasn't going to go but since I dropped Bonnie off earlier than expected, I figured why not.

They do have a new theme this year so at least its not exactly the same as last year.

I saw Jason and Freya standing there as soon as I walked in.

She loves her Papa so.
He said she picked out his outfit for him.

The lighting is dark in there of course to show off the lights better but it means my pictures don't turn out the best.

This gigantic ornament is so cool.

Crystal and Zepplyn.

There was a carriage there of course and one of the staff took this picture of all of us sitting in it.

Cinderella's pumpkin carriage was there as well.

A light fountain.

There was a castle.

The girls posed for a picture.

There was a rainbow balloon arc inside and I guess the girls were tired of posing, Freya is getting ready to do some cartwheels.

She's always practicing them everywhere and anywhere she can.

Zepplyn had to get in on it too.

The giant swan display was neat.

At the cartwheels again.

I love these trees - so pretty.

Wouldn't mind having a couple in my front yard.

The had the big section with the dangling light sticks.

It's pretty cool in there.

They don't want kids running in there which is pretty difficult because that's the first thing the kids want to do as soon as they get in there.

It is fun to be in there though even if you can't run around

Next up was the lighted circle swings.

They change colors which is really neat.

Zepplyn just chilling.

Woah - this is fun.

Lighted circle swings.

There was a gingerbread play castle - the girls spent some time playing in there - Freya especially loved it.

There was a shopping area so we checked that out.

Freya got a pet lady bug.

Then we saw water balls over in the corner.

You climb inside.

Then it gets filled up with air.

Then you can go out on the water and play.
Zepplyn hopped right in there and she was off.

Freya was up next.

Looks like fun.....or does it?
Freya was all for trying it but ended up getting scared once she was in there so she skipped it.
They were good though - gave us our money back.

So they went on the 3d snowman sledding ride instead.
We bought 3 tickets and both girls picked Jason to go in the ride with them.
They had a video outside of the ride so you could see the people inside on the ride.

The little girl on the left there got pretty scared - you could see everyone in there would look over at her with concern.
Jason said it wasn't really scary but it was better than the one we saw at Pumpkins After Dark.

Santa was there so Zepplyn went over to visit with him.
Freya didn't want to - she said maybe later but that didn't happen.

Instead she got a giant cotton candy.

She is going to be wired after this.

Yup, sugar high here we go.

Grandma, Freya and Papa.

The lighted tunnel was there last year and it is pretty cool.

I love her little cartwheel prep stance.

Cartwheels in a lighted tunnel.

They had these lighted picture frames - Freya wanted a picture in the heart shaped one but she didn't quite fit.

That's better.

Elf photo bomb.

She got Zepplyn too.

Last year you had to hunt for all the reindeer and this year it was gifts that you had to find and the girls still had a couple to find so we went looking for those.

Then off in the distance we saw Cinderella.

I wish my phone took better pictures in the dark.

Then we saw Olaf.

The girls were pretty stoked and so was Olaf.

He was giving out hugs so Zepplyn got one.

Then Freya did too and you can see that Anna showed up.

Aww - I kind of wanted to give him a hug myself but thought that might be weird so I refrained.

Since she was there, the girls got their picture taken with Anna too.

Then we saw Tiana.

She put her tiara on Freya.

I think that made Freya quite happy.

Then we found the final gift.
The girls got their stamps then we took them and turned them in.
If you completed the gift scavenger hunt, you could take your pick between a candy cane or a tree ornament that says Glow on it.
Freya picked the ornament.

After Glow, we were all hungry so we went for supper.
We picked ramen and went to a new place, Hu's Noodle Nook.

Jason and I - always excited to try a new ramen spot.

I noticed Zepplyn's cute little earrings and commented on them so then Freya had to show me her earrings so I could take a picture.

Which meant I then had to circle back and take a picture of Zepplyn's.

Freya wanted me to take a picture of Papa's ear sans earring too.
Ha ha.

They gave us waters with lemon and Zepplyn wanted me to video her trying it.
Looks delicious?

Crystal ordered octopus balls and they had Bonito flakes on top.

I love how they move around in the air, they almost look alive.

We got some pot stickers - the sauce for them was really great.

The ramen was good - I gave both my eggs to Freya, she just loves them.

Zepplyn's method of using the chopsticks.
Whatever works!

We had planned on going out to the speedway in Nisku to look at the lights out there so got a hotel on the south side so we would be closer.
But we gave the girls the option of going to the light show or going swimming in the hotel pool and guess what they picked.

If you guessed swimming, you'd be right.
Freya is getting so good at just diving right in there.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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