Friday 16 December 2022

Need to Get Focused (Dec.15, 2022)

Good think for memories popping up on social media or I wouldn't have much to share today.


Jason sent me this picture that popped up his memories from a year ago.

Freya went through a phase of wanting to be carried around in Jason's backpack.

I was thinking that things would slow down at work now that it is getting closer to Christmas but it's actually been the opposite, I've been super busy.

I picked Freya up from school this morning and she wanted to go over and visit with mom so I dropped her off there.

I stayed at the office for lunch, we had lots of leftovers from yesterday so a bunch of us stayed and tried to eat some of them up.

There are still lots so we can likely all stay again tomorrow.

When I got home, I added clackers to my new set of bells then I worked on a few wood projects.

I only got three done - the weeding took a really long time.
The wood was bumpy so they bled a bit so I'm not supper happy with them but they are ok.
The little penguins are just window clings that I mod podged onto the wood.
I think they are super cute.

I wanted to make a few more things to take down to the Hardware for sale but I think this might be it for this year.
I have some other things that I need to get done so I just want to clean up all the craft stuff and get it put away.

I can really feel and see that I've put weight back on - I don't know why I'm letting it happen?
I haven't been tracking, I've been eating anything and everything and I haven't been working out.
I was looking back through pictures from last year and I felt so much better when I was working out so I'm going to make that my priority.

Tomorrow, no matter what, I'm going to hop on the treadmill and get a run in.

I was looking for a Christmas craft to do with the kids on Saturday.
I found a few that might work so I think I'm going to run to Whitecourt tomorrow night after work and pick up some supplies and the ingredients for pizza fingers and donair fingers then I'll have all of Saturday free to work on that stuff.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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