Sunday 4 December 2022

Got Some Stuff Done and Still Can't Run (Sept.18, 2022)

Freya and I had a nice little sleep in this morning - I needed it!

When I did get up, I made myself a coffee then watched some HGTV.

Freya slept in a bit longer but when she did get up, she wanted to snuggle on the couch which was just fine with me.

That lasted about an hour then she wanted to play with Papa in the basement.

Jason had been up early working on his faun - I'll have to take some pictures of his progress and post them here.

Kody came and picked her up around noon and she couldn't wait to go home to take Haylee the flowers she'd picked up for her. 

After she left, I decided to get a few things done that I had on my list of to do's.
I dunked this white dress in a bucked of water with some black paint mixed in then hung it up in the shower to dry.
I just want to make it look dingy.

I wanted to try a run on the treadmill today to see how it went.
My plan was to do 30 minutes of walking and running for 1 minute intervals but as soon as I started running, I could tell right away that I'm still not healed up.
I couldn't put all my weight on my left leg - it's not as painful as it was but it is still sore and I'm not sure what it's going to take for it to get better.

I did a bit of running, very slowly and only for 30 seconds at a time.
I think I'll wait another week and try again next Saturday to see how it feels.
I'm really bummed because I want to get back to running.
I feel like the longer I wait to do that, the harder it's going to be.

I was able to spend some more time cleaning up in my craft room.
The top shelves still need organizing but it's looking pretty good.

It's nice to have space to work.

I have a hard time trying to work in a cluttered space so hopefully the creating juices will be flowing now.

I love it when everything has a home.
Just need to work on window coverings now.
Haven't decided if I'm going to put the same ones back up or sew new ones.
Stay tuned!

I got this foam - kind of like a pool noodle but for electric wiring and I put it around the top of the container I'm going to make into a cauldron.
I think it looks pretty good.

I got a couple more 'families' glued together.
Just need to finish them up then I'll take them to the Hardware to put on my shelf for sale.

Need to finish up these crows too.
I think I'll give them little signs that say 'Happy Harvest' or something like that.

The dress is dry and I'm happy with how the dress turned out.

There are some really dingy spots.
Next up I'm going to tear it up a bit with a wire brush then when my air brush gets here, I'll add some more black paint around the edges.
It's supposed to get here on Tuesday and I can't wait to try it out.

I was looking for cauldron ideas.
I tried looking for some wooden rings in the city but I couldn't find any so I'll need to come up with something else.

I like the bumpy, dirty look of these cauldrons - I'm going to try to replicate it.

I started watching this on the treadmill then Jason and I ended up watching the rest after supper.
There were 3 episodes.
It's just so crazy and unbelievable the horrible things that people do.
So sad.

Well I made it to the 10,000 mark anyway.
I'm considering maybe changing my step goal back to 10,000 for the rest of the year.
We'll see how this week goes then I'll decide.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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