Monday 19 December 2022

Christmas Signs (Dec.18, 2022)

I got up when Jason left for work this morning, made myself a coffee then got to work making signs.

Jason is cooking them a Christmas dinner out there today - doesn't this ham look delicious.

I made another Merry Christmas sign - this time in green.

I also made a larger sign.

And a little shelf sitter.
I think they turned out cute.

I really need to work on the sign I'm going to make for Morgan to give to her Father in Law.

She wants one similar to this and I keep putting it off just because I've never done a circle one before and I'm not exactly sure how to do it.
I do need to get it done though - just going to have to sit down and do it!
I started watching this movie this morning - it was cute.
I did stop it to go out and shovel.
Then I decided I'd watch the rest of it while I worked out on the treadmill.

I decided to try to run 5k.
It was tough but I stuck to it and made myself do it.
I had to lower the speed a few times down to 3.0 and 3.5 but I managed to get the 5k done and nothing was in pain afterwards so I was feeling great about that.

I feel like I lost a lot of the gains I made running since I haven't been able to the last few months and I'm ready to get back at it now.
I actually worked up a sweat and that felt wonderful.

Meanwhile, Jason was having a delicious turkey and ham dinner.
I hope he brings home some leftovers for me!

After my workout, I finished up the kids trees they made last night.
I added starts and trunks and I think they turned out pretty good.

I flipped all of their ornaments too so the back sides could dry.

Alivia made this little squirrel too and I love the details she added, the fur and the scarf.
She's so artsy that one.

I found an old movie to watch, from 1996.
It was pretty good actually.

I love it when the kitties cuddle together.

It was quite a productive day actually and I got lots done.
I did all my laundry, I got the new lights put up on the archway outside.
I got hangers put all my signs that I made and I priced them so they'd be ready for the store tomorrow.
Just chugging right along!
Just one more week to do until Christmas - it's coming up fast.

When Jason and I got home we watched an old Christmas special on Tubi.

Christmas with the King Family.
I love old specials like this - mainly a lot of singing but we found it entertaining.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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