Sunday, 4 December 2022

Glorious Autumn - Loving It! (Oct.4, 2022)

Woke up to another glorious Autumn day!

I got out this morning for a walk to the turn off to town.
It was such a nice day out there I didn't want to go back to the office but alas, I had to.
If only I could just win the lottery!

The wildflowers Jason planted in the front flower bed are really loving the nice weather.
We've usually had a really good freeze by now which kills off all the flowers but not this year.

He plants these wild seeds every year and it's just a mix of seeds so it's always fun to see what pops up.
I've never seen these ones before, they are very pretty.

Jason made hamburger cabbage soup last night and I couldn't wait to get home at lunch to have some.
I did stop at the Hardware on my way home to put the wooden words with beads I had made there and I saw the pumpkin I'd put there yesterday was already gone.

I rode my bike back to work after lunch and after work, Jason came down and met me and we rode our bikes home together.
The big hill felt extra tough today but I just have to keep doing it and eventually it should get easier.

Kody called and said that Freya wanted to come for a visit and so did Hunter so he was there waiting with them when we got home.

The bubble juice was still out so they spent some time outdoors blowing giant bubbles.
Then they wanted to play 'kitty cats' with Jason in the basement.

So while they were doing that, I hopped on the treadmill to get my 20 minutes in.

I just walked at a pace of 3.0 and upped the incline by half a point each minute, I went all the way up to 10 today.
It was tough but I was proud that I did it.

You can see I actually worked up a pretty good sweat too.

Jason made shrimp and grits for supper.
If we go to a restaurant and they have it, he likes to order it.
I would likely never order it at a restaurant, I like it but I like other things more.
Anyway, what he made tonight was super good - I had two helpings.

I saw this page on instagram and I just love the colors and just the overall esthetic.

This pumpkin looks gorgeous.
It's made with real flower on a real pumpkin but I was kind of thinking about copying it but with a fake pumpkin and fake flowers so that it would last.

The instagram page I saw it on was this one:


She has really beautiful stuff on there.

Adrien came and picked up Hunter around 7:30 then Kody came for Freya at 8:30.
We watched the latest episode of Halloween Baking Championship then I headed to bed.

Another day with all green!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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