Sunday 4 December 2022

First Run Since Marathon, Junior Dinner Theatre, Awash Ethiopian and Sepp's (Oct.15, 2022)

I brought my running stuff with me because I felt like I was ready to go for a run this weekend, finally and so this morning, first thing, Jason and I both got ready and headed out.

The start was hard, I felt like I'd been running for quite a distance and when I looked at my Fitbit, I was only at .64k, ha ha.
Not even 1k in and I was tired already.

I kept going though and tried not to look at my Fitbit and it got better as I went.

I ran all the way down to the end of Jasper then turned around and came back.
I veered off of Jasper and went in a street so I could see down into the river valley.

It's so pretty.
Nice view to have when you are running.

Grabbed a quick selfie of my first run back since the marathon.
It's been nearly 2 months.

My hope was to get 5k in but I figured even if I only did 2 or 2 it would still be a start.
I ended up doing close to 6 so that felt awesome and no groin pain at all.

My exercise details.
My heart rate is a bit up from what it was two months ago when I was running but I'm sure that will adjust in no time.

My splits and average pace.
I think 7.29 average for my first run back is pretty good.

It felt so good to be back.

While Jason and I were running, the girls all headed over to the mall to do some shopping.

Kody had to head back home this morning because he had to work today and Randie ended up going with him because he forgot to bring his medication with him and he didn't want to go all weekend without it.

They took the girls to the Build a Bear Workshop - It wasn't open yet when they got there.
"Let us In!"

Made it in the store.

The girls with their new 'bears'.
Freya did actually get a bear and Zepplyn got Stitch from Lilo & Stitch.

Then we all went to the dinner theater at Jubilations.
It was a kid one, Harry Popper and the Little Mermaid Spell.

Freya and Haylee

Zepplyn looking so thrilled (not), she was doing it on purpose.

That's better.

Haylee and Crystal.

Jason and I.

Putting a spell on Mom with her magic wand.


Posing for a picture.

Now she wants to see the picture.

They invited all the kids to come up on the stage with the cast after the show for a picture.
Freya was standing in the back at first.

But then Haylee moved her to the front.

She's in the front there now but still looking over at her Mom.

Just a big chair they had set up at the theater for pictures.

We all did a bit of shopping together at Homesense afterwards and Jason and I were planning on taking Freya to let Haylee shop but Freya wanted to stay with her Mom, Crystal and Zepplyn.

So we all split up and they went to do some shopping at a few places they needed to go to and we did the same.

After we shopped for the afternoon, we decided to go get some supper and for some reason, we were both craving Ethiopian food.

So we went to this place we'd eaten at before, Awash.
We'd had take out when we were there, it was during Covid so there was no eating in restaurants at the time.

Jason ordered the coffee and it was like this whole experience.
You got the coffee in a cool looking pot.

And it came with this incense burning as well.

We ordered the veggie platter which comes with some lentil dishes, cauliflower, carrot and turnip, beets and some greens.

Then we ordered a chicken dish and some beef tips to go along with it.
It all comes served like this on a piece of injera bread on a platter.

Then you also get a dish of injera bread on the side and this is what you use to eat the food, there are no utensils.

Injera bread.
It is kind of spongy and has a slight sour taste to it and I just love it.
The whole meal was really delicious.

After we ate, we headed back to the hotel.

While we shopped, the girls did too.
They went back to Spirit Halloween - Freya just loves the displays there.

Zepplyn ended up getting a costume while they were there.
It's a LadyBug Miraculous character too, Rena Rouge.
She put it on as soon as they got back to the hotel.

Now she and Stitch are both in costumes.

Freya just being her cute little self.

There was an Edmonton Oilers game and so all the parking downtown was filled up and when we got back to the hotel, we couldn't find any parking so that was kind of annoying as we'd paid to park in the hotel parking.

After searching for a bit, I did find a spot to squeeze into across the street from the hotel and they owned that lot too so all was good in the end.

We all got ready and headed to the pool.

I hopped on the treadmill and got my 20 minutes done first before joining everyone else in the pool.

Sticking to my goals!

They were all having fun in the pool.
Haylee forgot her bathing suit so she didn't join us.

Crystal and Freya.


Ready to jump in and join everyone.
The pool was a bit cold but we jumped back and forth between the pool and the hot tub.

After our swim, we ordered a double pepp pizza from Sepp's.
I'd wanted one last night but they were closed when we went to order.

Freya stayed and had pizza with us and I thought she might stay the night with us tonight but she ended up wanting to go back with her mom again.

So it was just Jason and I which was unusual but good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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