Sunday 4 December 2022

Loving Fall and Filter Install (Oct.1, 2022)

I woke up nice and early this morning, made myself a coffee and enjoyed it while I watched some YouTube videos.

Jason went out for a run and I decided I wanted to try to go for one too so I laced up my sneakers and headed out. 

It was a gorgeous, sunny fall day out there, you can see the sun was just shining away.
Love it!

I wasn't really able to run.

I tried for about .2 of a km but was limping badly so I walked for a bit and tried a couple more times.
I think all in all, I ran about .6 km but had to admit to myself that my leg just isn't ready yet.
Still got a good walk in though.

I got back to the house just as Jason got back from his run so we hopped on the bikes and went out for a 5k bike ride.

I've made a goal of doing at least 20 minutes on the treadmill every day for the month of October so as soon as we got back from the bike ride, I headed down to do that.

I figured if I couldn't run, then at least I could walk at an incline and boy was that tough.
I could only go as high as a 5.0 for the incline - I used to be able to do 10.

Sure doesn't take long to lose fitness does it?

I was proud of myself for getting it done though.

Afterwards, I worked on a few projects.
I found some wood pieces that I started base coating for some projects that I have in mind and I also finished up this wreath.
It's simple but I like that about it.

Kody dropped by to see if he could borrow the car to go to Barrhead to pick up Freya, he said his registration was up yesterday and he forgot to go get it renewed.

That totally made me realize that I'd done the exact same thing.
We share the same last name so are both due the same month (September).
The registries don't send reminders out anymore and I always forget.

Guess I'll be popping down there first thing Monday morning.

I had a couple of giant zucchini's that Calvin had given me sitting on the cupboard for days now so I got that all grated up and put into the freezer.

I did make a double batch of zucchini cookies too and I couldn't stop eating them.

The recipe is from a Company's Coming cookbook that I've had for years and I just love them.
I bagged them up hoping that would keep me out of them.
(It didn't).

Jason got the water filter installed today for me.

I'm hoping that it makes it so that we can drink the water straight from the tap and I can stop having to pick up the big jugs of water.

You can drink the water from our taps, it just has a bit of a taste that I don't like and Mom's very fussy about her water so I'm hoping she likes it.

I tested it out and I think it works beautifully - there is no taste to the water at all.

Now just need mom's approval then my days of lugging giant water jugs will be over!

Yay - love seeing all green again!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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