Sunday 7 November 2021

Weigh In Day (Nov.1, 2021)

Today was weigh in day.

I weighed in at 186.2 lbs.

As expected, I was up .8 lbs.
I really want to get myself back on track.

I tracked my breakfast this morning and was looking at WW connect for some inspiration and this post really inspired me, she didn't give up, it took her 143 weeks and she is down 128.5 lbs.

I know I can do it too.

I kept watching Facebook to see if my sister posted a picture of the boys from last night.
She didn't but she did share this memory of Declan when he was itty bitty.
Isn't he just the cutest little pumpkin ever?

I had a few meeting today and ended up working through lunch.
I felt kind of irritated with all the meetings today - it's hard to actually get any work done when I just have meeting after meeting.
First world problems!

I really wanted to get out for a run today so as soon as I finished work for the day, I was out the door.
It was chilly out there and I knew the later it got, the colder it was going to get.
I planned on doing 5k but bumped it up to 8k once I got out there.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
It felt harder today than yesterday for some reason?

I was thinking as I was running that I want to challenge myself this month.
I want to run at least 5k every single day this month.
Preferably outside but with winter and bad weather coming, if I have to run on the treadmill it will still count.
I just feel like a challenge for myself will be good.

Kody came over to borrow a stud finder and brought Freya with him.
Of course when he went home, she wanted to stay.

She and Papa hung out and played most of the evening.
She was starting to get a bit crazy which normally means that she is getting tired.

Sure enough, she sat down beside me on the couch and was out in minutes.

She is just so precious.
I know I've said it before but I just and so thankful that we are so fortunate that they are so near and that we get to spend so much time with her.

Time to get working on some Christmas craft projects.
This is a santa that mom got years and years ago from a client as a Christmas gift.
I've always loved it and I think I may try to make a few this year.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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