Wednesday 17 November 2021

Telus Spark and Okotoks Christmas Craft Fair (Nov.12, 2021)

 We hung out with everyone while we had our coffees this morning.

The girls were showing us their penguin and zombie walks.

The girls just love Jason and are always vying for his attention.

Freya asking Jason if he's hungry.

Freya and Zepplyn feeding Papa.

I think Freya got my camera and took a few pictures - there is Zepplyn.

And Crystal with Zepplyn.

After coffee, we headed out for a run.

We just ran around the residential area that we were in.
I did 5.17k
I probably could have done more but I had to go to the washroom so that cut things short.

Exercise details.

My average pace and details.

When we got back to the house, we decided to take the kids to the Telus Science or Spark Center.

These rings were out in the parking lot entrance, they spun around. 
They were pretty cool.

Telus Spark.

Kody and Freya.

They had these lit up swing rings in the lobby area.

Of course we had to get the girls to try them out.

The exhibit they had there was a digital immersive experience which took viewers (us) on a journey through life and the moments that matter so we checked that out first.
It started off in the womb so it was complete darkness and you could just hear sounds, two hearts beating.
Kind of neat.

Then you would move on to the other phases of life starting with childhood.

Freya trying to catch the pictures on the wall.

She loved seeing the babies.

The walls were covered in photos that kept changing.

The floor was covered in projections too.

Freya was running around.

She loved it.

It went from childhood to the teen years then onto Adulthood.

I thought this picture of roads was pretty cool.
It tallied up all the time that the average adult spends doing things like driving, sleeping, waiting in line etc... and it's amazing how much of our lives we spend doing these things.

The final room was the autumn of our lives.

I'm not sure what the mirror represented - it might have been mentioned and maybe I just missed it?

Jason and Crystal.
I think we enjoyed watching the kids at least as much (maybe more) than the exhibit itself.

Not sure if she was tired or just wanted to really immerse herself in the experience.
The whole thing wasn't that long but it was kind of neat.

Next we went to the Being Human gallery.
This toilet/water fountain was meant to show how a perceived notion can mess with your brain.
Like it's a water fountain, completely clean, but you see a toilet and automatically think dirty and wouldn't want to drink from it.

We were all wearing masks so we couldn't drink from it anyway but I'm not sure if we would have?

They had a bed of spikes you could try out.
When you first lay on it, the spikes are covered over but then you press the button and the plastic lowers and lets the spikes up through the holes.

Zepplyn on the bed of nails.

Haylee gave it a try.

Then Freya wanted to give it a try too.

Freya trying out the bed of nails.

There was a screen you could go behind and make shadows.
That's Zepplyn and Freya back there.

Next up was a wind station.
You sat there and pressed the button and this huge wind blew at you and the camera snapped pictures of you.

Got a few cute ones of Freya.

Ha ha.

Zepplyn was up next.

She was a little close so it only snapped a picture of the top of her head.

Freya wanted to try it again.

I gave it a try too.

There were these wind tunnels too that you could put cloths in and see how far up the would go.

You had to press the button to start it.

The first piece of cloth she had was heavier so it didn't go that high but then she had a light airy scarf that flew right out the top and she thought that was great.

They had a robot dog that they were showing that day and it was pretty cool.
Freya really wanted to get over and pet it which she did get a chance to but I didn't get a picture.

We all watched the robot dog for a bit.

There were some other galleries but the girls wanted to go out and play in the park there at the Spark center so that's where we headed next.

They had these domes with the rock climbing stuff on them and she really wanted to do that.
She's such a little climber.

It was a bit awkward, I was afraid she was going to fall off but I could only be on one side to catch her.
Jason just stayed on the other side.

She didn't fall though and she was pretty proud of herself for getting up there.

It took a bit of convincing to get her to come down.

Running on the colored stepping stones.

Hmm, what can we do next?

It was a gorgeous day out there for November.
I think that we could have gone coatless.

There were these rounded out stone seats that the girls tried.

Doesn't look very comfortable if you ask me.

Freya and Papa went up to pose with the t-rex.

Over here Grandma!!

Pushing the big rock.

They had this big rock on a pivot just to show how much machinery can help.
Without it, there was no way they could have turned the rock but with it, they were able to.

After the Spark Center, we headed to Okotoks.
There was a craft fair going on there that we'd gotten tickets to.
But first, we stopped for some supper.

We googled places to eat and decided on this place, Cha Cha Johns Fusion Kitchen.
It had a 4.8 rating and the reviews were good.

Freya and I.

I ordered the chicken coconut curry which tasted really good but after a couple bites ended up being way too spicy for me.
I did eat the naan bread though and it was delicious.

Zepplyn and a burger and fries and they looked really good.
I tried one of the fries and it was darn good.

After we ate, we headed to the market.
It was set up in two different places so we went through the first then headed over and had time to check out the second as well before they closed at 6pm.

I saw some neat stuff - I didn't get much, just a couple little things for Freya that she wanted.
A necklace and a hair bow.

Then we just headed back to our rental and hung out there for the rest of the evening.
We did stop on the way at a Dollar store to pick up a few crafty things for the girls to do.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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