Sunday 7 November 2021

Five Days In, Five Days Done (Nov.5, 2021)

I woke up super early today so I made myself a coffee then sat down to do some browsing on Amazon.


Sharon just happened to send me this picture saying if I made some she'd buy them from me.

I like how they look so I ordered some rings from Amazon and I'm going to give them a go.

I had a training session this morning with the new admin in Chetwynd (via webex) so that made the morning go by pretty quickly.

I wanted to get my run over with at lunch time so I made sure I got out there.
Just shy of 6.5k. today.
I wanted to do at least 5k every day this month and so far so good.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

I went down to the office this afternoon to work.
I had a bunch of parcels there I needed to pick up (a bunch of Christmas gifts I ordered came in).
I got to see Shennelle, Tim, John and Bob which was nice, it gets lonely working from home.

I stopped at Subway on my way home and picked up subs for Jason and I for supper.

When I got home, I cut a few stencils out on the Cricut then I sat down with my sub and watched the documentary I was wanting to see.

Introducing Selma Blair.
It's about Selma Blair and her MS diagnosis and it was good, sad parts and happy parts.
It sure makes you see how important health and a healthy outlook are.

When Jason got home, we decided to watch a movie together, Black Widow.
I really enjoyed it a lot.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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