Sunday 7 November 2021

Girls Trip - Happy Birthday Bonnie (Oct.23, 2021)

Another morning "unofficial" weigh in. 

185 lbs today.
That's up from yesterday and after today, I'm afraid it might be up a little bit more but I'm going to enjoy myself.

Nadine was the driver today.
My car isn't really roomy enough for 5 people plus it can't be smoked in so we decided last night that we'd go with her.

Bonnie stayed at her daughter's last night in Westlock.

It was her birthday and they had a celebration there for her.
We stopped in and picked her up on our way and we got to get a tour of Charlotte and Jordy's new place so BONUS!

They had so much storage area - I'm super envious of that.
They have a great place - I can see why they wanted to move.

Sharon, Morgan and I.
I didn't get any pictures of the front seat occupants, Nadine and Bonnie - to hard to do while driving.
We did lots of chatting on the way in and got caught up on all the news.

We made stops at Costco, Winners and Michaels before heading the craft market in Sherwood Park.
There didn't end up being that much there that I was interested in but it was still nice to look around.

I did get a little crocheted hat for Freya that had little bear ears and I bought a huge cookie for Morgan and I to share.
It was really boozy so she didn't like it but I sure did, ate the whole thing.

We felt like we wanted to do some antique shopping so we looked for a place and found one called Chickies in Edmonton.

None of us had ever heard of it before so we were excited to check it out.

The owner was a little old lady and she was so sweet.
There was tons of neat stuff in there - I didn't buy anything but I think I'd go back.

Next door was a pop up thrift store and art installation.
There were a bunch of different art pieces by different artists.
This transformer was pretty cool.

These people in the tree would be something fun to make for Halloween and I loved the big house hanging from the tree too.

We wanted to check out a store in Stony Plain that we'd been to before and we remembered that there was a restaurant right next to it so that's where we decided to go for supper.

Twenty Eight Urban Kitchen.

Bonnie and Nadine.

Morgan, Sharon and I.

We shared a couple of appetizers.
These truffle aioli fries were soooo good.

This bacon was good too.
It came with a couple dipping sauces, one was red wine vinegar, garlic, onion and chili flakes and it was so good - I could have just drank the stuff straight.

I ordered the chicken teriyaki bowl - Bonnie and Nadine both ordered the same thing.
We all had leftovers and I took them home for Jason.
Morgan had wonton soup and she also had leftover that I took home for Jason too.

Sharon had a mushroom swiss burger and it looked like it was a handmade burger.
Good to know - they are sometimes hard to find.

We shared two desserts too, a chocolate cookie brownie and coconut bread pudding.
The desserts didn't knock anybody's socks off, they were just ok.

After we ate, we headed for the hills, literally 😄
The drive home was not fun.
It was snowing and icy and we had to go quite slow - I was so relieved when we made it to town.

It was a good day though, I'm glad we got to do it.

I still needed quite a few steps so I went down and hopped on the treadmill when I got home.
I ran and it took me 30 minutes to make it to my 12,000 steps.

I called Kody to let him know I was on my way home so he brought Freya over to spend the night.
She loved her new bear hat and wore it all night.
We had a while to hang out before heading to bed.
Luckily it didn't take her too long to fall asleep.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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