Sunday 7 November 2021

Solo City Trip for Dress Shopping (Oct.9, 2021)

I headed into the city this morning for a solo shopping trip.

My mission was to find something to wear to the wedding we are going to next weekend and also to do some Christmas shopping for Mom.

The sun was just starting to come up as I left town this morning.

It looked so gorgeous that I just had to pull over to take a picture.

I jumped around between stations - heard a few good tunes.

I love this oldie - need to add it to my Spotify playlist when I get home.
I eventually settled on the Broadway station and listened to hit the rest of the day.
Listening to it makes me miss NYC and Broadway so much - I'm just itching to get back there!

Jason sent me a picture of the coconut cake he made for their work lunch tomorrow.
Looks good.

He said he had to try a slice to make sure it was good - he reported back that it was.
I hope he brings me home a slice (spoiler alert, he did and it was fabulous).

I was in the city by just after 9 am and I got busy shopping right away.
Saw these cute gnomes at Homesense, might try to make a couple this year.

Saw this cute hoodie and couldn't resist - picked it up for Kody for Christmas.
I found a couple other Sesame Street character ones so I ended up getting Adrien and Rob each one as well - with different characters on them.

I tried on A LOT of clothes today.
I took some pictures thinking that I would send to Jason to get his opinion but I ended up not sending them after all.

I picked a terrible bra to wear today - it is too big for me so really has no support which didn't help for viewing how the dresses looked on me.

This one was too old ladyish - Not the one.

This one was more of the color I was going for - something Autumn-ie.

My belly was sticking out a bit too much for my comfort but it didn't look horrible.
I didn't end up getting this one.

I wasn't having much luck with dresses so I bought a couple pairs of dress pants.
I'm not sure which pair I like best so I figured I'd get Jason's opinion then return the second pair.

I checked out Hudson's Bay Company and they had a ton of dresses.
There wasn't much room in the fitting rooms for me to take pictures but I ended up buying a couple of tops and a wrap around dress that I think I like but I'm not sure.

At the end of the day, I'm going home with a couple of options and I'll get Jason's opinion then return everything else.
I also picked up a couple new bras, I desperately needed them!

I hadn't eaten a real meal all day, just munched on walnuts so by 4pm I was starving.
I stopped at Love Pizza and ordered myself a BBQ Chicken pizza - it was pretty good.

After I ate, I made one more stop at Walmart just for a few grocery items then I hit the road for home.
I was planning on having Freya over for the night so I wanted to get home at a decent hour.

Kody, Haylee, Freya, Crystal and Zepplyn had all gone into the Farm in Bon Accord today and they were leaving for home around the same time as me.

The farm was all decorated up for Halloween.

Not too sure about that skeleton.
Can't believe Haylee actually got her hair into a ponytail/bun and she actually left it in.
I wish she would let us more often, it looks so cute.

I would have liked to go in with them - they had a lovely day for it.

Looks like they had the hay bales all decorated up too - Freya.

And Zepplyn.

Kody was at my place waiting for me when I got home - he got there right before I did.
It was awesome because he was able to help me haul all of my stuff into the house.

Then just as we finished up, Jason got home from work.

Freya was so happy to see him.
She wanted a snack and to cuddle up with him.

Jason was happy to oblige.

I tried on the outfits I had picked up to get Jason's opinion - plus I wanted to see them with the proper undergarments, you know, ones that actually fit.
( I forgot to take pictures at the time so I had to do it all again the next day).

This sweater I think I'm going to keep regardless, it wasn't really a wedding option but the pants were.

Side view.

Back view.

This is the other pair of pants and another top.
This top I will be keeping for sure because it was final sale.

I do like these pants better than the other pair.

Back view.

Finally the dress.
This was Jason's pick and now that I'm looking at the pictures, I think it's my pick too.
Need to figure out footwear to go with it though.

Side view.
My belly isn't sticking out so much that I'll be uncomfortable with it all evening and I plan on having a sweater with me too so I think it will be good.

Back view.

I've always wanted a wrap dress and looks like I have one now.
I did try on one other dress at the Bay that I liked more, also a wrap dress, but it was $120.00 and I just didn't want to spend that much on a dress that I might possibly only wear once.

I didn't get a run into today but I did get all of my steps in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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