Thursday 4 November 2021

Chowder in St Nicholas with Family (Sept.10, 2021)

We woke up to another gorgeous morning here in Bay Fortune. 

The sun was just a shining.
(It didn't last)

The flowers in the yard looked so pretty.

I loved the cottage and wish we could have stayed a day or two more but alas, we had to bid adieu.
We took a break from running today as we had a pretty active day yesterday and Jason still wasn't feeling the greatest.

We stopped in Charlottetown to return the bikes we rented.
We asked the owner if he would sell them to us and he did.

He gave us a very fair deal we thought and we were pleased.
We figured it would be nice to have bikes when we come to the Island.
We'll just keep them at my sisters in NS.

We likely would have went for a bike ride in Charlottetown again but it was rainy, Jason was under the weather and my Aunt Coleen was making chowder for supper so I wanted to make sure we got there on time.
So on to St Nicholas we went.

We had a couple hours to spare when we got to Jimmy and Coleen's and I needed some steps so we hopped on our bikes and went for a bit of a bike ride before supper.

We did nearly 13k which wasn't too shabby.

Coleen invited all the family over so Brody and Alison came.

Mom came up too - Chavonne brought her.
Jennifer and the boys are coming from NS today and they are bringing Keisha with them so Chavonne came to pick her up.

Jacob, Todd and Danielle.
Jacob and Danielle just recently got engaged and bought a house - Jacob looks like he lost some weight too, he's looking good.

\Collen and Pam.
Coleen made us chowder and she wasn't happy with how it turned out but I thought it was delicious.

Lisa dishing out the two different desserts she made.
I tried a little of both.

Chavonne and Jen.
Jen's savoring Coleen's home made biscuit/bun.

Jen, Danielle and there's Keisha.
She just started going to Dalhousie University and she's a bit homesick.
I think it's the first time she's been away like that.

Selfie with Alison and Brody.
They just recently bought a place too, just up the street from here.
It needed a lot of work but they got it at a great price.

I love just hanging out with the family.
Bella was telling Pam stories I guess.

Mom, Lisa, Coleen, Bella and Pam.

I didn't get a picture of it but at one point in the evening, I took the pitcher of water off the table to go refill it.
After I filled it, I was walking by Pam and the handle suddenly just broke off right at that moment and the whole pitcher of ice cold water spilled all over Pam!

Hmmm, thinking about what to get into next.

Mia and Leah.
The twins provide a lot of entertainment.

They just love their GiGi.

And their Papa.

They love their Auntie too - think they are going to go spend a night with Auntie and Uncle next weekend for Alison's birthday so they were making plans for that.

Jen checking to see if she liked her ice cream (she did).

She's not sharing with Papa either!

We played a bit of cards later - Jason ended up going to bed right after supper, he still wasn't feeling very well.

I wish we lived closer so I could have more family nights like this.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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