Sunday 7 November 2021

On The Agenda For Today - Work, Work And More Work (Oct.21, 2021)

Continuing with my pattern of weighing in each day.

186 lbs this morning which means that I'm heading in the right direction.

My plans for today were to work, work, work, work, work.

I had no distractions and I just wanted to get myself caught up on everything,- I've been feeling a little behind.

So many meetings all the time then vacation days and appointments on top makes it harder to keep on top of things the way I like to.

I was late heading out for my lunch time run but I wanted to make sure I got out there.
I got 9k done.

The exercise details.

I'm pretty happy with my average pace and splits for today.

When I was just getting home, Kody called to see if I could watch Freya.
Zepplyn got hurt at school and was up at the hospital and Haylee wanted to go up there and see her.
They think she might have broken her nose.

Of course I told them to drop her off to me - it was a bit harder to get work done but I gave her her tablet and she sat beside me in the office and played on it while I worked.

Haylee came back and picked her up and took her to go visit Zepplyn.
They had to send xrays off to Edmonton for them to have a look and see if her nose was broken or not.
Regardless, she's going to have a pretty good black eye and she's really swollen and not feeling the greatest.
Hopefully it heals up for her quickly.

I ended up working late and at the end of the day I felt like I got a lot accomplished and I'm not feeling so behind anymore which is great.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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