Sunday, 7 November 2021

Starting On This Year's Pumpkin Patch (Sept.22, 2021)

I weighed in again this morning.

I'll likely weigh in every day until my next Monday weigh in then I'll go back to once a week.

Just want to make sure I get myself back on track.

I was 188.4 lbs so that's down a little bit more!
Every little bit counts!

I went down to my actual office to work for the morning.
I had a bunch of things I needed to print off plus I wanted to see if there was any work on my desk I needed to pick up (there was lots).
Shennelle happened to be in there as well so I got to catch up with her a little which was nice.

I picked up a nice spinach salad on the way home for myself for lunch.

I made myself a nice fruit and veggie plate to go along with it.

I want to make some more pumpkins so last night, I searched through what I had here for sweaters and got some prepared to sew.

I ended up working a bit late bus as soon as I finished work, I got right on the sewing machine and spent an hour sewing these up.
I got 11 of them started, not bad for an hours work.

Then I got ready and headed out for a run.

I decided to do the in town routed today which is right around 5k.
I've been feeling like I can't get my breathing right lately when I'm running, like I can't get deep enough breaths.
I'll have to work on it!

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits were pretty good though, in the 6's which I thought was awesome!

Sweaty selfie - front view.

Side view.

Back view.
I still feel like I'm so much bigger since I got back from vacation so taking these selfies and comparing to how I looked a year ago is really helpful.
Shows me how far I've come and I immediately feel better!

I made Jason and I shrimp and salad for supper.

I worked on step 2 of pumpkin making while I was watching tv tonight.
Got a few of them stuffed and sewn up.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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