Wednesday 17 November 2021

Big Box Calgary (Nov.13, 2021)

We all hung out together this morning while we had coffee which was nice. 

I really like being with everyone so these large home vacation rentals are wonderful for that.

Sassy pants!

The girls wanted to get started on some of the crafts we picked up right away this morning.

Jason and I headed out for our run.

I had the bathroom issue again today but I managed to get my 5k in before I had to stop.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

One of the spare rooms downstairs had a huge, gorgeous mirror so I figured I'd better take advantage and get some selfies.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

We got tickets to go to Big Box which is like a big indoor play park for kids with trampolines and bumper cars and a few other things.
Both girls wanted to ride with us so we let them.

Making silly faces in the car.

Off we go to have some fun.

We got there and they headed straight over to this big bouncy slide.

Bouncy slide.

It was in this big kind of fenced in area that was just full of all these balls.

The girls were having a great time getting right in there.

They were rolling around on them on the floor.

Kody was right in there with them.

Scaring Mommy!

We went over to the big bouncy houses next.

She was off and running - it was hard to keep track of her.

There was a big bouncy pillow type thing and she got right up there.

Bouncy pillow.

Bouncing is hard work.

You could jump down into this pit.

It was a no go for Freya but Zepplyn gave it a go on her second attempt.

Next up was the bumper cars - just waiting in line for their turn.

She wanted to ride with Papa and bump into Daddy.
I wanted to watch so I could take pictures.

Go get him!

It's on!

Her new thing is giving Thumbs Up for everything - it's so cute.

Kody looks like he's just chilling.

We found another big slide.
Freya was afraid to go on it at first but I went down with her and then she realized that she liked it and went down a few more times on her own.

She went down a few times with Mom and Dad.
Seems she was on her own timing.

There was another little ball pit area the girls checked out next.

Zepplyn climbed up on top.

Throwing balls around.

I thought the little mushroom house, it was so cute.

Then they were back to the bouncy pillow.

There were lots of other kids using it too so it was a bit harder to stay up on top and not fall down.

So she was off to find something else to do.

All these little boys came in wearing these super hero capes - must have been a birthday party or something.
What a great way to keep track of the kids though - easy to spot them.

The bouncy houses had slides in them that the girls tried out.

It had kind of a weird bottom that kind of hurt so the girls didn't like it that much.

I noticed other kids having the same weird experience at the bottom.

In a back corner there was a climbing wall.
Kody and Haylee both climbed it but it was a bit hard for the girls.

It was pretty quiet back there though and they had lots of room to bounce to their little hearts content.

Having a break.

Lots more jumping ensued.

Someone had a slight injury.

She was right as rain in no time at all - jumping away.

Getting some serious air.

Haylee making it to the top.

She did a bit of jumping too - we all did - jumping is lots of fun.

After the Big Box, we took the girls and headed back to the house and the others went shopping and out to dinner.

I wasn't really feeling well so a nice quiet night at home sounded good to me.
We did stop at the grocery store and pick up some cheese and crackers and meat to snack on and that's what we ended up having for supper.

They girls did another one of the crafts I had picked up for them, foamy gingerbread houses.

They are pretty cute, kind of complicated though so adult help was definitely needed.

Crystal and Haylee both made posts with pictures from the weekend and they got some cute shots that I didn't get so I thought I would share.

The girls on the lighted up swing at Telus Spark.

Checking out the toilet fountain.

Sliding at Big Box.

Playing amongst all the balls.


Going through the bouncy house obstacle course.

This is me taking the girls down a tube slide.
It was a lot of fun.

Crawling through the tubes of the playpark.

Love the bench.

Playing some arcade games at Big Box.

More sliding.

Bumper car fun for Zepplyn.

More bouncing.

Kody, Haylee, Crystal and Zepplyn all went to a movie later that night.
Jason and I stayed home with Freya.

Haylee making it to the top of the climbing wall.

Kody shooting sponge balls in the play house.

The girls just laying around - Zepplyn.


Outside the park at Telus Spark.

More laying around by Haylee this time.



I so wish.
I miss Hobby Lobby and so look forward to when I can go back again.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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