Wednesday 3 November 2021

Biking the Confederation Trail (Sept.9, 2021)

It had rained all night but we woke up to a nice day, 

 so we got our coffees and sat out in the screened in porch to drink them. 

Everything was looking extra green this morning after all that rain.

I had a giant bowl of wild blueberries and fresh strawberries with whipped cream for breakfast.

Then we got ready and headed out for a run.
I passed a giant field of sunflowers and meant to go back to take a picture but never did make it.

My exercise details.

I'm so impressed with the average pace and splits I've been getting since I've been here.

After our run, we loaded the bikes up in the truck and headed out to go for a bike ride.

We saw a bakery on the way so we had to stop and check it out.

We got some buns, squares and chocolate chip cookies with rice krispies in them.
What a great idea.

They were doing some work right next door and had all the earth flipped over.
That PEI red dirt is just so distinct.

The Confederation Trail ends up at this end of the Island so we thought we'd take our bikes on it and go for a ride on it today.

It's hard to see but the purple line is the trail.
It starts in Tignish and ends in Elmira (just up from Souris) then it also has a bunch of off shoots.
We ran on it up by Tignish where it starts.

Then we also ran on it between Wellington and Mischouche - Jason actually ran fright from St Nicholas to Kensington.

And today we decided to hop on it near New Harmony Junction and bike to the end at Elmira then back.

That means we'll have done the first section, the mid section and the end section.

We found a spot to park where we could hop on the trail and just got started.

Jason took a few pictures of me while we were biking - bless him.
It was so nice.
The trails are so well kept, the scenery is gorgeous.
It's pretty flat for the most part, just a really wonderful trail.

Jason found a lonely sunflower and snapped this great shot.

By the time we biked to Elmira then back to our bikes, we had gotten 37k in.
It took about 2 and a half hours but what a way to spend an afternoon.
We really enjoyed it.

We think we'd like to come back some time and take a few days and bike the whole thing.
I think we can do it.

The exercise details for the bike ride.

We were pretty hungry by the time we were done so we searched for a place to grab a bite to eat and found this place.
North Lake Boat House Harbour Eatery.
Even with Google Maps, it was kind of hard to find but we found it.
What a cute spot, right on the water.

They were quite busy so we had to wait a bit for our food.

Proud of myself after that 37k bike ride and looking forward to a delicious meal.

We ordered a bowl of chowder to share and they split it into two bowls for us which was nice of them.

We also shared a lobster dip for an appetizer.
It was really good.

For some reason the meatloaf was calling my name.
Not something I would normally gravitate towards but it was good.

Jason got a scallop burger.

He thought it was good but ended up getting pretty sick about an hour after we got back to the cabin.

He figures it was the scallops because I didn't get sick and that was the only thing we didn't share.
We can't say for sure that the scallops were the culprit but things did kind of point that way.
Whatever it was, it sure didn't agree with him.

He felt pretty miserable for the rest of the evening, I felt bad for him.
He went to bed early and I logged in and did a bit more work before calling it a night myself. 

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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