Saturday 6 November 2021

Best Biscuits Ever and A Trip Down Memory Lane (Sept.14, 2021)

 When we got up, we hopped on our bikes and went for a bit of a bike ride.

We went to a bakery nearby and got ourselves a few treats.

We tried the pioneer cookie.

They had some other good looking treats.

Cornflake brownies and Hello Dolly squares - they both look good.

We decided to try Boomburger for lunch.

I think it's a chain but I've never heard of it before.


We each got a double burger and fries.

You could tell the burger was handmade and it was so delicious.
The fries were fabulous too, they were seasoned really well.

It was right next to the Cows factory which just happened to be open so you know we had to go in there.

Of course I had to get an ice cream - these are some of my favorite flavors that they sell.
Gooey Mooey and Messie Bessie.

Wowie Cowie

Sea Salted Toffee - I've never tried the Royal Cownadian Mint but I think I'd like it.
Next time!

Peanut Butter Cup Cup.

I tried the Orange Cowsicle - it wasn't my favorite think I'll stick to the chocolate and caramel flavores.

Moo York Cheesecake and Nanaimoo Bar.

Jason got a shirt while we were there - I like their merch - it's all plays and puns on Cows and some of them are pretty clever.

Since it was so nice out, we biked downtown.
Saw this cool corbel.

The giant 2021.

Went by the harbour front again.

It was a week day so there weren't as many people around as last time we were here.

It sure is.

Sunny selfie.

The things you see when you are out and about.

The blue house is a restaurant that we tried a couple years ago, it was on You Gotta Eat Here.
It was already closed up for the season.

Saw this Food Hall so went in to see what it was all about.

This doughnut place had really cute doughnuts.

They also had biscuits and that's what I ordered.

I had it with jam on it and it was HEAVENLY - probably the best biscuit I've had in my whole entire life.
It was so good that I went back and got 4 more to take home with me.
It was supposed to be 2 for me and 2 for Jason but full disclosure - I think I ate all 4 of them.

I love the old buildings in downtown Charlottetown.

It's such a nice little city.

Random art piece.

Look at this old building.
The store on the left there is the Anne of Green Gables store.
I was looking for an Anne hat with braids attached and I found one there for Freya.
Also found a new book, Marilla Before Anne.
ot by LM Montgomery of course but still might be a good read.

This little street is closed off to traffic and full of restaurants and I've always loved it.

We didn't eat there today though, instead we found a pho place - we were both in the mood for some pho.
Sadly, it wasn't that good.

You win some, you lose some.

We headed back to the hotel after that and loaded up our bikes.
Felt like we bike a lot more than 5k.

Exercise details.

On the way back to Jimmy and Coleen's, we noticed that a lot more of the trees are starting to change color so we pulled over to take some pictures.
They get such pretty reds here - we don't get those back in Alberta.

Lisa was picking cucumbers in the garden when we got back so we went out and helped her.

They have this big bush of japanese lanterns growing by the garage.
(I'm not sure if that's the proper name but that's what I've always called them.)

They are such a vibrant orange color'

Close up.

We went for a walk so I could get the rest of my steps in and the sun was setting - so beautiful.

Pam and Blair are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this year so Lisa is planning a celebration for them this coming Sunday.
Wish we were going to be here for it but we'll be back in Alberta by then.

She wanted to find some pictures to make a video for them so we spent the evening going through old pictures (which I love doing).

I found some that I wanted copies of so I just took pictures of them with my phone.

My brother Rob dressed up as a little old lady.

Me, maybe around 2?

My brother Rob and I.

My sister Jen.

My sister Jen again - we are a family of dresser uppers!

My brothers and sister and I, our dad and his grandfather whom we called Pepe Day on his 100th birthday.

Mom and Jen out for a sail with my Uncle Wade.

Rob as the little old lady again.

Me (gosh my hair was short) and Jen as the little old lady this time.

Jen in a little German outfit mom picked up for her - we were living in Germany at the time.

That's me in the white top - missing a couple of teeth.

I wanted this picture because the lady on the far left is my meme (grandmother) and I have very few pictures of her.

Again, this is my Meme (to the right of the nun which was her sister) and her family.

My Aunt Coleen is the lady in the black flowered dress and my meme is the lady sitting right beside her in the pink dress.

My father's Aunt Rosalind (so my Great Aunt) - we visited her often as children.

This is my great grandmother on my mothers side.

My mom and my sister.

My grandmother (mom's side).
Not a very flattering picture of her actually but I still love it.

Grandma and Grampie (mom's parents).

My sister Jen - I used to dress her up all the time.

From left to right: Aunt Rosalind, Aunt Coleen, Uncle Jimmy, Meme, Tante Ursele  (Jimmy's mother).

It was a nice trip down memory lane.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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