Monday means official weigh in day.
I knew it wasn't going to be good after all the treats on the weekend and I was right.
I was 217.8 lbs.
That's up .4 since just Friday when I weighed in.
I keep saying I am going to get back on track then I don't but I'm not throwing in the towel.
I don't know why - I commit and do well for a few days then we go somewhere or I want a treat and it all goes out the window.
I'm just going to keep trying though, I know I can do it if I perservere.
We picked up a new walker for mom at the second hand store yesterday.
She already has one but this one has a bag thing in the front so I thought it would be good for when she takes Asia for a walk, Asia won't fall out.
Asia is my niece's dog that has been staying with us for a few days and Mom just loves her.
I'm considering asking if Mom can keep her.
They go for walks together every day and Asia is very content to just sit like this - it's pretty cute.
I met Jason and Freya at the Burger Baron for lunch.
I wanted to have a salad from the Super A but they didn't have any so I had a chicken donair.
Then they went to the skate park and I went and voted.
It took longer than I'd expected to vote so I was late getting back to work and couldn't take my bike.
I did get out in the aftternoon and go for a bit of a walk though.
I barely have any steps so it is going to be tough getting the rest of them tonight.
I picked up these magnetic block things at the second hand store on the weekend too and Freya found them and was playing with them.
When I got home after work I was feeling so tired that I actually tried to lay down and have a nap.
I was only in there for about 40 minutes but I felt a bit better when I got up.
Jason wanted to head out and get some more biking in so he did that and I stayed with Freya and just walked in place to try to make up some steps.
The plan was to go for a walk when Jason got back but I walked on the spot so much that by the time he got back, I pretty much had all the steps in that I needed.
Freya wanted to spend the night again and she has school in the morning so I figured I'd do her hair tonight just to help Jason out a bit in the morning.
I did Wednesday braids so then of course she wanted to put on her Wednesday dress.
She said she wants to sleep in it and wear it to school tomorrow too.
We put the Wednesday dance on for her so Jason took some video and these are just some clips from that.
She knows all the moves.
Ha ha, Love it!
We got to bed a bit later than I would have liked so hopefully Jason doesn't have trouble getting her up in the morning.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!
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