Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Weigh In Day (June 5, 2023)

 Monday means weigh in day.

I was kind of excited to see what progress I'd made since I was following WW faithfully for almost a week now and I have blue dots every single day since May 31.

I was 215 which honestly was a bit disappointing, I was hoping for a bigger loss.

On the flip side, it is a loss, a big loss really for one week, 2.8 lbs, so I am changing my perspective and I am going to celebrate the loss and the work I did to achieve it.

Kody had a local trucking company come out and bring him a load of water for the pool so I got him to send me a picture.
It looks really good, not leaning at all so our efforts paid off.

We had a stormy, windy night last night and today was chilly and grey.
Weird to go from swimming/splash park weather yesterday to pants and long sleeves today.

I didn't get out for a walk because it was just too miserable out there.

After work I had to head to Whitecourt to return the sleep machine to the Sleep Apnea place.
Kody, Haylee and Freya all came with me.

We checked out the second hand store where I just got a couple of puzzles then Kody and Haylee dropped Freya and I off at the park while they went to do a few other things.

Freya was pretty stoked - said she just LOVED this park.

It has lots of slides, some really tall ones and she was just running around trying them all out.

She was hiding in the hippo.

Climbing on everything like a pro.
I was trying to not hover and let her figure out to do things on her own without my help and she did great.

She wanted me to spin her on this thing so she could get dizzy.
I didn't have to help much though, it pretty much would just spin on it's own.

She picked up this slack line walking pretty quick.
She's getting to be able to do so many things on her own.

She came up with all these scenarios for us to play, like in one she was the babysitter and I was the kid and I was hungry.
Then next I was the mom and I had a little boy and she was a bear and we were afraid of her.

She has such a great imagination.

When Kody and Haylee finished up, they came back and picked Freya and I up from the park and we stopped at Edo so I could pick up some supper to take home for Jason and I.

Freya wanted me to sit in the back with her so I did.
She told me to smile and say cheese so she could take me picture.
This is the picture.
Ha ha - she's such a goofball.

She wanted to spend the night at our place and Kody and Haylee are both working in the morning and need mom to watch her anyway so I said she could stay.

She didn't want mom to watch her though, she wanted me to call Morgan to see if she could go there and play with Ella so I'm going to drop her off to Morgan on my way to work.

I don't know why this struck me as so funny but it did.

I earned another blue dot today - yay me.
That's 5 days of June down, 25 more to go (and hopefully by then it will be habit and more days will follow).

Today I am thankful for perspective and my ablitiy to change mine whenever I want.
I think in almost every situation there is a silver lining if you chose to see it.
So in that vein, I'm grateful for my 2.8 lbs loss this week.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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