Lemonade sales were starting at 10 so we were all planning to meet down there at 9 to get things set up.
Freya was a little sleepy and I had to wake her up - she let me brush her hair and get her dressed in her lemonade clothes.
Kody and Haylee arrived and picked everything up, including the stand and took it down to start getting it set up.
I followed shortly after with Freya once she was ready.
These are the signs the girls 'did' themselves.
This for Zepplyn since she's the huge Stitch fan.
Then this one for Freya - she's the Pikachu fan.
The price sign turned out well - looks good where they put it.
And the girls had on their lemonade outfits I picked up for them.
It was a bit chilly and very windy so they did have to wear coats.
Ready for business.
It's so unusual to get a nice picture of Zepplyn smiling!
Freya and her little peace sign.
First customer.
There were four other lemonade stands so I wanted to make sure I hit all of them.
These girls had a really cute stand - I liked the ocean theme.
They made suncatchers to sell.
They were also selling little crocheted seac creatures - I meant to go back and buy the girls each one but I forgot.
These girls were stationed right outside of the Super A so they got a lot of traffic.
Then finally this guy was over by the townn office.
He had freshly squeezed lemonade with a lilac simply syrup they made from their lilac trees.
I'm not sure how much traffic he got being away from the rest of the stands - hopefully he did well.
Business was picking up.
Morgan and her new boyfriend, Calem dropped by as did Faith and her kiddos.
Kody and Haylee showing their support with their leis.
Papa Jason even made a trip in from the field just to buy some lemonade from the girls.
They had a good system going - they would fill the glass with lemonade then add whichever flavor syrup the customer asked for with a squeeze bottle.
Mel and the kids dropped by for lemonade too.
The wind and the cold didn't really let up and by 1 or so, Freya was wanting to leave.
She wanted to go to Swan Palace for some fries so I took her over.
When we got there - Faith and her kids were there with Donald having lunch.
I think Freya saw them going there so that's why she wanted to go there so much.
We ended up sitting with them - she had her fries and I had a bowl of soup and Donald ended up paying for our lunch which was really nice of him.
Freya really wanted to play with Ella so we went back to the stand and Faith left both Ella and Harlow there (Harlow and Zepply are the same age and good friends).
That only lasted for about an hour then Faith came back for them and I took Freya home.
Mom and her friend Helen wanted to go down for lemonade so I drove them down so they could get some, we didn't stay long.
In the end, the girls booth ended up making $205.00 so not too shabby!
Morgan asked me if I could take her to Whitecourt to pick up some groceries so I said I would.
I took Freya with us and off we went.
It was a quick trip, just two stops and then we were back on the road home.
I did make my first purchase for grandbaby number 2 that is on the way.
Freya helped pick it out - I love the little headbands and they match the onesies.
Freya was tired and I thought she'd fall asleep on the drive to Whitecourt or at least on the way back but she didn't and she was just wired.
She went downstairs with Mom for a bit when we got home and made her look pretty.
Ha ha - she put her stickers to good use.
The went back downstairs again after that so Freya could do her makeup.
This was the result - OMG - love it.
She even blackened out a couple of mom's teeth.
She does it with sharpie and I have no idea how mom gets it off but she does.
She wanted to do my makeup with a sharpie but I wouldn't let her so I let her do my nails instead.
she's getting better at it.
She ended up wanting to sleep over again and I love having her so of course she stayed.
She and Jason played for a bit when he got home from work - we went for a walk too as I needed to get some steps in.
She wanted a donair so we stopped and got her one.
They had actually just closed but when they saw her at the door they opened up and made one just for her.
She wanted to eat it in there but we wanted to let them get home so we took it to go and she almost ate the whole thing on the walk home - she was hungry.
We had an early night again and she was still wired.
It was close to midnight when she finally gave me my phone and then she just crashed.
I got another blue dot on WW today.
Today I am grateful for small towns and how people show up for one another.
So many people came out to the lemonade stands to show their support and made purchases at each stand.
Then Sammy opening back up because Jason and Freya go their often and he know them and teases and we know him.
He always teases Freya about having to do the dishes and she enjoys the attention.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy.
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