Woke up to a rainy day today.
We need it though.
It's only the beginning of May and there have already been evactuations in a couple places in Alberta due to fires.
Hopefully this isn't shaping up to be a year like that.
I was suppposed to have a massage tonight but Kerri texted me last night to cancel so I'm kind of bummed about that - I was really looking forward to it.
Freya had school this morning and Jason would normally just walk her down but since it was raining, I went and picked them up.
Jason kept the vehicle so he could pick her up after as well if it was still raining.
After he picked her up, they went to Swan Palace for lunch so he called to see if I wanted to come and join them.
He ordered me a turkey bacon club and Bonnie dropped me off there on her way home for lunch.
Freya was having french fries and gravy.
She ate every last one on her plate then wanted Jason to order her some more, which he did and she ate most of those as well.
They were being silly at lunch - the always are.
She was sitting on my lap just chilling and watchng YouTube videos and eating her fries.
What a life.
She wanted to take some pictures.
She took one of her fries.
Then a selfie of her and I.
Then she acted like she was taking a picture of Jason but really she took another selfie.
Got him to pose and everything, ha ha.
So he did the same to her.
After lunch, it stopped raining and the sun came out so I walked back to the office and Jason and Freya headed over to the hardware to pick out some colors for the lemonade stand he is building for Zepplyn and Freya.
It was only going to be white and yellow but then we decided to add some blue.
I think those colors all go good together.
He also bought her a fly swatter.
It is really bad for the big giant ants and flying ants this year for some reason.
They were stomping on them outside of the restaurant at lunch time but Freya doesn't like to get them on her shoes (I get it, I don't like it either) so Jason figured she'd enjoy the swatter and she did.
They played for a bit then she accidentally broke his screen protector on his phone and even though he told her it wasn't a big deal, she wanted mom and dad and there was no swaying her.
Haylee started a new job at the Super A and today was her first day.
So he took Freya over to see her thinking that would calm her down but she did not want to leave Mom - luckily Kody was just getting off work so he came and picked her up.
He said she went to sleep as soon as she got home so she must have been tired.
That gave Jason the chance to work on the lemonade stand though and he pretty much got it finished and even got a coat of paint on it.
I think we might pick a different shade of yellow - this one is kind of mustardy.
He added the sign to the top.
He was going to make it a chalkboard but I think instead we may just paint it white and then I'll make a sign on the Cricut with the lemonade stand name - we'll have to check to see what Zepplyn wants to call it.
He came down to the office and met me at the end of the day and we walked home together.
Stopped at the store to get lettuce then had a salad with chopped up hamburgers on top fpr supper.
It was pretty good.
I had a bath after supper and it felt awesome and I stayed in there way too long.
I was reading my book, Secret Daughter and it really keeps you interested and wanting to read more.
When I finally did emerge from the tub, I got dressed and Jason and I went out for a walk.
I needed some steps to make it to 13,000.
I missed getting it yesterday - I was so tired, but I'm feeling better today.
I didn't have to sleep with a lozenge last night and I think I may not need one tonight either so I'm thinking this cough I haven't been able to shake for two months is finally making it's departure.
Jason remembered that he signed us up to run a 10k in mid June in the Fort.
I totally didn't remember it at all either.
Looks like I have some training to do and another chance to run a 10k without stopping.
I know I can do it!
When we got back home, I got back to reading my book again.
I ended up staying later than I should have to finish it - when I'm getting close to the end like that there is no way I can stop and put it down.
It was a good read - I enjoyed it.
I'm going to start trying to read more in the evenings instead of looking at my phone.
I'm hoping it will help with my sleep.
I just don't sleep well at all most nights and I'm not sure if looking at my phone before bed contributes to that or not but it's worth a try.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!
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