Monday 19 June 2023

Jason's Birthday (May 22, 2023)

Today is Jason's birthday so I thought I would have kind of a birthday party for him tonight.

I went into Barrhead to pick up an ice cream cake and I thought I might stop by for a visit with Freya but they ended up going into the city today.

So Mom and I just picked up the cake and headed back home.

Adrien and the kids had gone back into their campground in Barrhead and Morgan went to Whitecourt to spend the night with her boyfriend so it was back to just Rob, Mom and I.

Adrien really liked this brass deer so mom and I are going to try to find him one for Christmas.

I went out for another walk today to get my steps in.

When Jason got home he took Zeke out for a walk.

Then we had ice cream cake and Jason opened his presents.
Pretty low key celebration this year.
Next year he turns 50 so I'm going to plan something big.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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