Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Last Minute Lemonade Stand Prep (Jun.16, 2023)

It was kind of a drizzly day out there today so I didn't end up getting out for a walk this morning. 

It had kind of stopped at lunch time so I decided to go for a walk on my lunch hour.
I had skipped coffee this morning and only ate my breakfast right before noon so I wasn't hungry anyway.

I was noticing how some of the houses around town have their hanging baskets displayed and I really liked these one that were hanging on the corbells.
I love a nice corbell.
That kind of made me notice the little overhang above their door and I wondered if we could build something over ours.

This was just another style that I noticed.
I like the first one better but I'm not sure how much room there is between our door and the roof of our house.

I was busy all afternoon, by the end of the day, it was only Shennelle and I left in the office.
Fridays are always quiet so it's a really good day for getting lots of work done.

I still needed some steps so when I got home, I hopped on the treadmill right away.

I was going to do a walk 1 minute, run 5 minute and repeat 4 times workout but when I actually got on the treadmill that went out the window.
Instead I just walked and did an incline workout.
I left the speed at 3.0 for the whole time and bumped up the incline by 1 each minute all the way up to and incline of 10 then back down again.

Then I got to work on picking a text for the sign for the lemonade stand.
There are so many too choose from - going through them all and chosing takes a long time.

My favorites ended up being the first and the last options, Crystal agreed and Jason liked the first one so that is what I went with.

Kody had to take his picker truck to Whitecourt today to get some work done on it.

Haylee had gone down there as well with her friends and Freya was with her so she caught a ride home with Daddy in the big picker.
She enjoyed it but it was a bit loud for her, next time he'll need to take ear plugs for her.

Kody, Freya, Crystal and Zepplyn all came over so we could work on the last minute stuff since lemonade day is tomorrow.

Jason was going to work on the syrup recipe with the girls but he just ended up doing it - they were too busy doing other stuff.

I did the stencil for the lettering then Crystal painted on the flowers.
She just free-handed them.
She is very talented.
We considered putting some flowers on the top on the other side as well but it was already quite late by then so we decided to just leave it as is.

Once we got the sign finished, Jason put it on the stand.

The girls really wanted to paint so I cut out stencils with the name of each of their lemonade flavors and let them paint in the stencil.

Then finally Crystal painted the back of this jar and then I just free handed the lettering on.
We are all good to go.

Everyone headed home around 10, except Freya.
She wanted to spend the night so we let her of course.

Nadine dropped off a board to make a sign for her friend's garden so I had a look through her Pinterest board to find something she would like.

These were a few that popped out.

Not sure which I will go with, it's not a very big board so I think the less words, the bigger the font can be.

We were pretty tired so we were heading to bed by 11.

I got another blue dot today - I've been doing really well following WW and staying within my points values and it feels good.

Today I'm grateful for in-laws that I like and can work with and enjoy spending time with.
It's really a blessing that we are able to do projects like this lemonade stand and vacation together and just hang out and I genuinely like them.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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