Sunday, 18 June 2023

Coronation and Wild Fires (May 5, 2023)

I had another sleepless night last night.
I was so careful not to touch my phone at all last night but it didn't seem to matter.
I think I might pick up some melatonin for myself and give that a try.

An  old co-worker came to town today - she's one of the names listed on our lottery account at the bank and we need to get her taken off so she came up to do that.

While she was here, we decided to do lunch. her husband Bob came with us as well and we went to the Swan Palace.
I can't believe I totally forgot to take pictures.

It was nice to catch up with Sharon - she only moved to Whitecourt and she still works for CNRL, just in another district but I never get to see her really and I do miss her.

I had their club sandwich with a side salad and soup - it was really good.

After we had lunch, I dropped my car off at the house and hopped on my bike and biked down to work.
It was a quiet afternoon - I did get a lot accomplished.

Friday's are always quiet as several of the guys in the office work a 4 and 3 shift so they have Fridays off.
I'd love to work that shift!

After work I decided to go for a bit of a bike ride around town.
Normally I try to avoid hills but I tried not to do that today.

The may be tough but they make me stronger.
The more I do them, the better I'll get.

Jason told me not to worry about making him any supper so I went to the store to find something for myself and found these new taco rolls.
I figured I'd give them a try and I really liked them.

It was a quiet evening - when Jason got home he went for a bike ride - then we watched some of the coronation prep on tv.

A girl I used to work with back in NS is over in England for the coronation.
She posted pictures of herself with William and Kate while they were doing a walk about.

Shelley with William

And with Kate.
Kate looks amazing.

I hope Shelley doesn't mind me sharing her pictures.

She said CBC also interviewed her so I looked up the link and I found it.

What a cool experience.

In other news, there are a bunch of wildfires burning all around us in Alberta right now.
Drayton Valley, Edson and several other places have been evacuated.
It's scary - it's so early in the summer to be having all these fires already.

Hopefully they get them put out or we get some rain - we could really use it.


That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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