Monday, 19 June 2023

Getting Up Close with Nature (May 20, 2023)

There was still some smoke in the sky today but not as much as last night.

This is a really nice property - I quite like it.

This lane leads out to the driveway.

Rob is getting lots of reading in.

Mom, Rob and I went to Whitecourt for a drive today.
This property is kind of smack dab in the center of things.
It's 45 minutes from here to Swan Hills, from here to Barrhead and from here to Whitecourt.

We hit up the second hand store looking for books and puzzles.
Found some of each.
We also picked up a few groceries before heading back.

Mel and the kids came out for a visit tonight and to have showers.

Hunter for some reason wanted Mom to push him around on her walker so she tried - she did not too bad either.

The kids were taking silly pictures.

Everyone looks goofy from this angle.

To prove it, Alivia took pictures of all of us.

Rob - OMG - this does look pretty funny.


Me - Holy forehead!

The description of this airbnb said we'd be close to wildlife and they weren't wrong.

The deer kind of stood there and looked at us for quite a while.

They are pretty animals.

We found a smaller puzzle in the cupboard with 300 pieces so the kids and I worked on that one.

Hunter and I went for a walk down the lane to wait for Jason to get home and this is looking back at the house.

It's so nice and private here although I wouldn't like living here full time, I would feel too isolated.

This is looking down to the gate.
We were just starting to give up on waiting when Jason showed up.

We hung out with Mel and the kids a bit longer and then Mel & Alivia headed back to their camper in Barrhead, and Hunter wanted to stay the night so we let him.

Morgan has been down at her Mom's and they kind of aren't getting along so Adrien went down there today to pick her up and they'll be coming here tonight but getting in late and Hunter wanted to see his dad.

 Jason and I headed out for a walk.

Ooh, Jason doing duck lips - that's not something you see very often.

We walked down the road a bit.

There is a marshy area with a beaver dam just up the road.
As we were getting closer, we heard this big splash and Jason said it was the beaver trying to scare us away.
It kind of worked because I was definitely scared.
We didn't leave though, we stood there and watched for a bit hoping to see him but he didn't come out.

It's hard to believe how much life is going on in a little spot like this.
You could hear frogs and birds and just all kinds of nature sounds.
It was very peaceful actually.

There was a marshy area on the other side of the road too and this owl was sitting on the top of this branch.
He was turned away from us for the longest time but we were patient and waited for him to turn his head toward us and our patience was rewarded because he finally did.

After our little nature watching session, we headed back to the house where I started yet another puzzle - one that I picked up at the second hand store today.

I posted this on Facebook today just as a reminder to all my cousins - I'm sure they already knew though 😉😉😉

Still no rain so not sure when we'll be able to go back home but we enjoying this spot for now.

It was after midnight when Adrien and Morgan got in and Hunter was already asleep so he didn't get to see Adrien tonight anyway.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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