Saturday 16 July 2022

Tick Encounter, Ferry from Digby to Saint John, Visit with Family (June 10, 2022)

Woke up to the sun shining through the crack in the curtains so I just had to get up.


It was a gorgeous day out there.

We had our coffees out on our balcony and I had oatmeal too.

Just look at the sun shining on the water.

Jason decided to run the same loop as yesterday but I only had to run 8k today so I decided to do a kind of out and back one way from the hotel then out and back the other way from the hotel.

I figured that way I'd never be more than 2k from the room just in case I had another bathroom situation.

Luckily, that didn't happen today.

It was another good run.

I just felt so good.

Plus the scenery was amazing.

The weather was beautiful also and I was feeling so thankful that I'm even able to run and blessed that we get to travel and see so many beautiful places.
I was feeling really emotional - in a good way.

I ended up doing 8.5k.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.
Much better than yesterday.

Training check in video for today.

After the run I showered and packed up.

When Jason got back from his run we loaded up the car and checked out of our cute little cottage.

We got coffees from Tim Horton's and ordered a lobster roll and a hot lobster sandwich for pick up from The Crow's Nest.
I'd never had a hot lobster sandwich before so I was kind of curious.

When we got there to pick it up, they'd made a mistake and made us a hot chicken sandwich instead.
We took it anyway.
They felt so bad and didn't charge us for it even though we insisted that we didn't mind paying for it.

It was so nice out today that we found a bench on the waterfront and sat there to eat our lunch.
The hot chicken sandwich was delicious.

The lobster roll was pretty dang delicious too.

There was a little farmers market going on so we checked that out and also got ice creams before driving back out to our property again.

It was a much nicer day.

It's such a pretty area.
Jason walked the property down to the lake.

There were lots of trees down and it looked kind of treacherous so I just walked up the road.

 I found a little pathway to the lake where I found a rock to sit on.

I just sat and dipped my feet in the water for a bit.

Look how clear and lovely the water is there.


The water was so refreshing.

I think if I'd had a swimsuit I might have jumped right in for a swim.

This was the view of the lake from where I was sitting and the area kind of to the right would be right around where our property meets the lake.

The lake at our property in NS.

Another view of the lake our property is on.

There is a little island out in the middle of the lake.

It's so picturesque.

I took a panoramic again.

Is there a better way to spend a day?
It would be so nice to actually have a place out here that we could spend some time at.
This is such a lovely spot.

Walking along the edge of our property - needs a bit of work.

I walked back up the road to meet Jason and I noticed a spider on my leg.
I tried to flick it off and it didn't budge.
Took me a few tries before I realized it wasn't a spider at all, it was a tick.
That was the first time I've ever seen one and it kind of freaked me out and I pulled it off which is exactly what you aren't supposed to do but it hadn't burrowed in at all yet luckily.

When Jason came out of the wooded area I saw one on his pants then on his ankle then on his back.
They were just loving him.
He changed into some different clothes and checked everything that he'd been wearing very thoroughly before putting it all in a bag and tying it up.

Then we checked each other over before getting in the car.

We were both super paranoid that we had one on us and kept checking our heads and clothes every time we felt the slightest itch or twinge.
It really had us freaked out.

If we do build something here, we'll for sure have to spray for ticks or do something or else we just won't feel comfortable being out there at all.

We left there and headed back to Digby to the ferry, which we were taking over to Saint John, NB.
It was sailing at 4 pm and we needed to be there by 3.

Doing things backwards.
I got a picture of the Welcome to Digby sign right before we left.

Waiting to board the ferry.
Jen and the boys got there right after us, there was only one vehicle between us and them in the line up.

We boarded and the boys found some seats in the movie area.
They were showing Turning Red so they sat and watched it.

Jason, Jen and I found a table to sit at right beside where they were.

It was a pretty smooth sailing.
Jason and I went for a walk out on deck to check things out.
Looking towards where we were headed.

Looking back to where we came from.

Ferry selfie.

The crossing went by pretty quickly and we were docking in Saint John right around 6 pm.

We headed to Betty, Joey & Dawn's place (my Aunt and cousins).
It was only about a 20 minute drive from the ferry.

Joey's daughter Kelsey and her husband Nate were there with their girls.
We'd never met Nate and the girls before so that was nice.

Betty, Dawn, Joey, his best buddy Jason and my other cousin JR's daughter Quinn were all there hanging out too (it was my first time meeting Quinn too, what a nice little girl she is).

We all visited for a bit then Jason and I ordered some Thai food for pick up from a place called Splash.
We were pretty hungry.

Jason, Jen, Dawn and I all drove to pick it up.

I had pad thai and coconut soup.
Jason had green curry with rice.

Jen and Dawn shared with us.
It was a ton of food and even with the four of us eating, there was a ton of leftovers too.

They had this Greek cake and chocolate cheesecake so we got a slice of each and shared that as well.
It was good too.

Then we all visited in the garage for the evening.

Declan did a little performance at school today.
He put on a second showing of it tonight for us.

Declan's comedy routine.

Joey and Jen.

Matthew, Nate, Kelsey and Betty.

Joey's son Matthew dropped by to visit when he got off work, he's a really nice kid, all of Joey's kids are.
Matthew cooked at a famous restaurant in St. John's, Nfld for many years and while he was there he got to meet Anthony Bourdain and Jason Mamoa.
Kind of neat.

Dawn and Jason.

Me, Betty and Kelsey.

We listened to music, reminisced and told old stories.
It was so nice to see everyone, it has been years just due to covid travel restrictions and also just not being in PEI at the same time the last few times we've gone.

Around 11:30, Jenn and the boys and Jason and I headed to our hotel room.

They would have made room for us in the house but we figured it would just be easier if we went to a hotel, it wasn't far from their place so it only took a few minutes to get there.

We had to check in and once in the room, which was the longest hotel room I've ever seen, we pretty much went straight to bed.

We were all tired.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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