Wednesday 27 July 2022

Back to Alberta I Go (July 11, 2022)

I kind of dilly dallied a bit this morning, procrastinated on getting out there to get my run done.

Finally headed out just after 11:30. 

Had 12k to run today, felt good to get it done.

I decided to just run along the road by Jen's so I could take in the views of the ocean on my last day here.

I did end up having to go to the washroom around 4 k in, I was quite far from Jen's so I had her come pick me up and take me back to her place so I could use the washroom then she dropped me back off where she'd picked me up.

Great service!

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.

My check in video for today.

It is just so pretty here along the water.
I was trying to soak it all in.

Jason sent me this picture - Freya started swimming lessons this morning.
He took her to her first one.
He said she enjoyed it.

After I got back to Jen's, I showered and packed up but I still had quite some time before my flight left, in fact Jason even texted to say it had been delayed, instead of leaving at 9 it was now leaving around 10.

So I convinced Jen and the boys to walk down to the boardwalk for a look around a possibly ice cream.

The ice cream store is super cute.

They were having an issue with their ice cream supply so choices were limited but that didn't stop us!
It was hot out so it was melting fast!

Ethan, Declan and Declan's buddy who is moving to Yellowknife next week so they were having one last sleep over.

Walking along the boardwalk.

Happy girl right here - I love a good ice cream cone on a hot summer day.

There were a few kites flying over the boardwalk.
I think one was an octopus and the other was a squid.

My sissy and I.

We stopped at a famous restaurant there, Boondocks, and ordered chowders to go.

Jen's cat checking out the chowder.

Sorry to say that the chowder was terrible.
It had really no seafood in it at all and barely any potatoes.
Definitely not worth the price they were charging.

Jen and I took a quick trip to the grocery store then she, I and Rob pretty much just hung out and watched the first season of Stranger Things (Rob hadn't seen it before) until it was time for her to take me to the airport.

Check in and security were a breeze again and I was sitting at my gate in no time.

I love these little people in this picture on the wall in the airport.

There are all together on one wall but I took separate pictures so you could see all the little people better.

OH - there's UK, France and Germany represented.

Philadelphia, New York and Boston maybe?

My flight wasn't due to land until midnight initially and now with the delay it wont' be getting in until 1 pm.
I left my vehicle at the hotel I stayed at so Jason called and said he booked a room there for us.

He's heading in with Freya and we can spend the night and head home in the morning which sounds great to me because honestly, I was feeling like I didn't want to drive for another 3 hours after I landed.

He sent me some pictures of their day.
Freya packing her suitcase for the trip to the city.

The went out for pho.
They had onion cakes (I'm so jealous).

She just loves noodles so pho is right up her alley.

They went shopping an she picked out a new dress.

A new purse.

And new sandals.

Having a break from all that shopping, ha ha.

She got two new princess dresses today - had to change into one as soon as they got to the hotel.

My flight was uneventful for the most part.

We hit one little section of turbulence - had a pretty big bump that scared the wits out of me but it didn't last (thank goodness).

We arrived safe and sound and right on time but we had to sit on the tarmac for about 15 minutes waiting for a crew.

We finally got in though, I got my luggage and caught a cab over to the hotel.

Jason and Freya were fast asleep.

He'd ordered pizza so I had a slice of that then hit the hay myself.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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