Monday 18 July 2022

Road Trip to Fort Saskatchewan with Pit Stop at St Albert Splash Park (June 25, 2022)

Jason wanted to take Freya into the city this weekend and spend a night at the hotel with her since that's her favorite thing to do so that is what we are doing.

Turns out Garth Brooks happens to be playing in the city this weekend and everything in Edmonton was booked up so Jason ended up booking us a hotel in Fort Saskatchewan instead.

As long as it has a pool it doesn't really matter.

He mentioned it to Crystal and asked if they wanted to come too and they did so Randy, Crystal and Zepplyn will be coming too.

Morgan posted a picture of her latest cake she made.
She is getting so good - I'm so proud of her.

I had 13k to run today and I wanted to get it done before we headed out so I got up early to do that.
We wanted to be on the road by 10 and I knew my run would take a couple hours just about so I wanted to be out by 7 am.

It's shaping up to be a gorgeous day out there.

It was 7:30 by the time I got going - I just had a banana, no coffee, hoping that would save me from any bathroom issues.
 I ended up having to make one pit stop back to the house to use the washroom anyway but I got my 13k done.

My exercise stats and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.
I felt like I was going much faster so I was surprised to see my average pace was 8.0 but whatever.
Its done, that's the main thing.

My video check in for today.

When I got back to the house, I had a shower and Jason headed out for his run.
We packed and got ready to leave but it was still close to 11:30 by the time we actually headed out.
Randy and Crystal dropped by to see what our plans were and Zepplyn wanted to ride with us so we let her.
Company for Freya and Freya just loves her so much.

We stopped for gas first thing and I asked the girls if they wanted snacks for the road.
Zepplyn requested a ring pop of all things and Freya wanted spicy cheesies - she's addicted to those things.

Then we were off to the splash park in St Albert.

The girls played in the water a bit.

Jason went with them.

Just running around

Monkey see, monkey do.

Oh she was parched, ha ha.
Trying to drink the water.

Not an easy feat but she did it!

It was really nice out but the girls found the water cold and ended up spending most of their time in the playground.
Freya is getting so brave - the park has a little rock climbing wall and she climbed all the way up to the top of it.

Ice cream time.

Randy got ice creams for the girls.

Deciding if she wants to share with Papa or not.

Sharing on her terms.
Ice cream facial anyone?

A girl and her grandma.

A grandma and her girl!

After ice cream - they played in the splash park a little bit more then we decided to head to Fort Saskatchewan.

The hotel we were staying at was flat out busy and they didn't have our room ready yet so we decided to go have some supper.
We found a place called The Club House which had pretty good reviews so we decided to go there.

This was a cool carving just outside the restaurant.

We were at that restaurant before but it was called something else when we were there.
It was super busy which I guess was a good thing.
My phone was dead - the girls like watching videos on it while we are driving - so no pictures.
I got the beef dip and it was really good.

After we ate, we went back to the hotel to see if we could get a room.
We asked if we could get adjoining rooms and we had to wait a bit but they were able to work that out for us and give us adjoining rooms.

We changed into our swim gear and spent nearly two hours in the pool.
Again, no pics because my phone was dead.

We had a lot of fun though - both girls just love spending time in the water.

When we got back to the room, we ordered up a pizza from a nearby place that had fantastic reviews.
Pizza Twist.
I think the reviews were padded or something because there is no way that was the best pizza ever.
It was ok, a 3.6 at most, definitely not a 4.8.

Anyway after our mediocre pizza, it was time to hit the hay.
Zepplyn thought she wanted to stay in our room but changed her mind pretty quickly on that one when her Mom said good night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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