Monday 25 July 2022

Off to NS Again! (July 7, 2022)

 Flying out later today but wanted to make sure to get my run in first.

I stopped at Winners last night when I got to the city and got this new top.
I just love the color.

I had 10k to run, I got out around 8:30 am to do it and it took me 1 hour and 13 min.

I did have to make a pit stop back to the hotel around the 7k mark to use the washroom but luckily I wasn't that far away when that happened.

My exercise details and average heart rate.
It was a fairly flat route so I'm not surprised my heart rate was a bit lower.

My average pace and splits.
7.18 is not too shabby!

My check in video for today.

I had the shuttle to the airport booked for 11:30 so after my run, I had a bath, touched up my hair, packed up and was down waiting for the shuttle by 11:20.

The shuttle was right on time and I was sitting at my gate by 11:45.
That means we drove to the airport, I dropped off my luggage and made my way through security all in under 15 minutes.

I couldn't believe it - that was the fastest ever.

So I had a bit of time to kill before my flight - I did some puzzles, played some games on my tablet and had a bagel with cream cheese and jam from Tim Horton's.

The flight was smooth (no turbulence thank goodness) and fast.
We actually got in early.
We were supposed to arrive at 9:45 and I think we got in at 9:06.

I had my luggage before my sister even got to the airport so it was good that she didn't have to park, she was just able to pick me up outside and we headed straight to her house.

Mom was there and my brother Rob as well, he'd flown out there on Tuesday.

We went through more pictures and I picked out all the ones I wanted to print off to put in a photo album and put them on a memory stick.

My sister is going to go get them printed off tomorrow while I'm out for my run.

Then I'm going to pick up a scrapbook type photo album and supplies so I can work on it while we drive to PEI tomorrow.

This was on the back of a picture of Dad when he was quite young (maybe 17 or 18) - it was a message he wrote to his Dad and I thought it was so nice I wanted to include it beside the picture so it wouldn't be 'lost' when I taped the picture into the scrapbook.

Meanwhile, back in Alberta, Freya had an appointment with an ear, throat and nose specialist in the city today to have a look at her adenoids and tonsils.

Kody had his out when he was young as they were so large and obstructing his breathing at night.

This specialist said that he rated adenoids and tonsils on a scale of 1 - 4 and Freya was between a 2 - 3 so not sure what that means?

He does want to send her for some sleep tests and is going to get in contact with Haylee and Kody later on to set that up.

Since they were in the city, they went to the Zoo and posted some pictures so I thought I'd share.
Freya with an art piece.

Doing a somersault.

What a cute little sea lion she makes.

Made it to the 1 meter mark.

I got her this dress at the Disney store when it was still open and it was waaaaay too big for her when I got it so I'm happy to see she's actually had a chance to wear it.

The faces of Freya.


Just sitting around with the frogs.

Haylee had also posted this picture on Snapchat earlier today.
I got these Anne braids and hat last year when Jason and I were in PEI.
She makes a cute Anne if you ask me (maybe minus the lipstick).

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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