Saturday 16 July 2022

Off to NS (June 7, 2022)

We are off to NS today!

Our flight was at 1pm which means we had to be at the airport for around 11 so we had to leave the house by 8 am.

I got up around 6 am so I could pack, do the dishes, clean the kitty litter - you know, all the stuff you need to do before heading out on a vacation.

I already decided that I'm not going to run today, I'm going to have my rest day today and do today's run tomorrow.

We were on the road by 8 am - I did have to stop by the office to get my vaccination record.
I'd taken it out to send a picture to Jason and left it on my desk.

We made it to the airport in plenty of time so we went to Chili's for a bit to eat.
I had queso dip with nachos.

Jason had a salad with spicy chicken.

Our gate was the furthest one away - way down to the end right by the International area.

We were flying Swoosh for the very first time and Jason got us the VIP seats, 1A and 1B and luckily 1C was empty so we had the whole row to ourselves.

It was a pretty smooth flight, direct to Halifax Airport.
We were a little late arriving - got there just after 9 pm.

My sister Jen was there waiting to pick us up.
After we got our luggage, we decided we wanted to stop for a bite to eat before heading back to Jen's.

I was craving a conair so we found a place on Ochterloney - The Hungry Hut.
I'd never seen it before - thought it was new but apparently they've been there for 17 years.

Jen and Jason - just waiting for our food.

Jason and I each got a donair and Jen got a donair sub.
We took them back to Jen's to eat them.
The meat was super good - I ended up eating the whole thing including the pita which I rarely ever do.

The boys were already in bed sleeping so we didn't get to see them but we'll see them in the morning.

Jen introduced us to a new word game - Semantle.

She, Jason and I all sat around and played it on our phones and Jason ended up being the first one to figure it out.
Basically there is a random word chosen each day and you just have to try to guess it.
You have 24 hours until the new word.
You just guess words and it ranks each guess on how close/far it is away from THE word with a percentage.

It's kind of fun.

We just hung out together until midnight then we all headed to bed.

I sometimes don't feel like a 'real' runner so this is a good reminder for me.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Love this - it cracked me up.

True rest day today!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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