Monday 18 July 2022

Rest Day and The Adventures of Freya (June 22, 2022)

 I didn't have the best sleep last night - I had a tickle in my throat that just would not go away.

I hated leaving this Sleeping Beauty to go to work - wish I could have stayed home and spent the day with her and Jason.
He sent me lots of pictures of their adventures today though.

They were out and about early so they went for breakfast at the Swan Palace.
She had an omelet and bacon and he said she ate most of it.

Next they made a stop at the park.

She was pretending to be a scary clown chasing Jason.
Stay away creepy clown!

Chasing Jason.

Next up was the swings for a bit.

She's getting pretty good at the monkey bars, I'm not even sure that I'd be able to do this.

She was having a grand old time.

I was expecting to hang out with them at lunch time but Nadine called and wanted to do lunch.
So we all picked up subs and met at Bonnie's garage to eat them and have a chat (I forgot to take pictures).

Jason and Freya meanwhile went back to the house for a bit of a rest.

In the afternoon she wanted to go out again so off they went but this time to the park up by the hospital in town.
She's getting so big and brave - she can climb up this slide all by herself now.

Jason spent the whole day with her and when I got off work, they were still out walking around so I went and picked them up.
We stopped at the store so I could get something for my throat - it was still feeling ticklish and it was starting to annoy me.
Constantly having to clear my throat or cough.
All they really had were lozenges so I got a few kinds - hopefully just having one of those in my mouth will help.

When Haylee finished work, she texted to say that they were going swimming so we took Freya home.
She didn't want to stay at first, she wanted to come back to our place.

So Haylee was trying to coax her and said "Awww, I want you to come swimming with me and Auntie Zepp and Grandma Crystal, please?"

And Freya kind of sighs and goes "Fine, I'll stay and go swimming with you then" .
She's so funny.

We considered going swimming too but with my tickle in my throat I wasn't sure if it's a cold coming on so I figured I better not.

Instead, Jason and I went for a drive so he could map out a 27k route for his run tomorrow.

There have been a few bear sightings close to town recently so I was really nervous about him going out and running on the highway.
If he encountered a bear he'd have nowhere to go.
So he agreed to run in town instead.

Then these show up on Facebook - these are not my pictures.

A big grizzly right in town.

I got right by these tanks all the time when I run.

We do live right in the middle of the bush so it isn't surprising - it's just a really good reminder to always be aware of my surroundings.

Haylee posted this one of Kody being his goofy self that I love.

Today was a rest day and I really took advantage of that.
No run and I barely broke 5000 steps.
I think I really needed the rest but I'll be back at it tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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