Monday 18 July 2022

Road Trip to Drumhellar with the Kiddos (June 30, 2022)

I worked this morning and I was super busy trying to get payroll completed so I could possibly sneak away a bit early for lunch so I could get my run done.
That didn't happen however and I ended up leaving a bit late for lunch.

So it was closer to 1 by the time I headed out for my run but that's ok.

I had to do 8k today - I zig zagged the top part of town to get it done.

My exercise stats and average heart rate for today.

My splits and average pace were a bit higher today, for some reason.
When I was finishing up, I felt a bit tight in my chest, like kind of hard to breathe.
It kind of scared me for a second or so and I needed to sit down but I was ok before long.

Video check in for today.

I was heading to Drumhellar today for the weekend.
Jason is working so can't come with me but I'm taking Alivia and Hunter along with me.
Freya wanted to drive with me too.

Crystal, Randy & Zepplyn headed there earlier today and Kody ended up having to work late so he and Haylee will be heading there later when he gets off.

It wasn't long before both kiddos were napping.
Good though, makes the drive feel a bit quicker for them.

We stopped at McDonald's in Nisku for some supper.

The crew and I waiting for our food.

I wanted something quick we could eat on the way.
It didn't end up being all that quick as I had to go back in twice to get things that we'd ordered that they forgot to give us.

Eventually we got back on the road though.

I had wanted to gas up and forgot so when I realized later on, we had turned off the main highway and it was an area I'd never been before so I wasn't really sure if I'd come across a gas station or not.

I thought I'd better play it safe, searched the nearest gas station which took us about 10 min out of the way, so 20 min added to our trip.

I figured that was the better option over being stranded with no gas and 3 kids!

So by the time we arrived at our airbnb in Drumhellar it was after 10 pm.
It was a nice place.
It had 4 bedrooms, 2 up and 2 down.
I took one of the downstairs rooms and Freya slept in with me and Alivia and Hunter took the other room down there which had bunk beds.

We let the kids all visit for a bit and headed to bed around 12:30.
I heard Kody and Haylee arriving around 1:30, Crystal had left a light on in their room so they'd know where they were sleeping.

I had a bit of trouble falling asleep likely due to the energy drink I had on the drive.
Wanted to make sure I didn't get sleepy, it worked, maybe too good!

Looking forward to checking out Drumhellar tomorrow.

I want to remember to take Freya to this - I think she would really enjoy all the costumes.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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