Wednesday 27 July 2022

Family Reunion and Lobster (July 10, 2022)

 I had 15k to run today and I didn't get out as early as I'd planned again but that's ok.

As soon as I did get out, I hopped on the Confederation Trail and headed to Summerside again and my sister planned to pick me up again.

I had to run a little further today, came out right by the water in Summerside.

It's really pretty along here and the trail is so nice.

It goes right through Summerside.
I finished up my 15k right beside the Frenchie's which is a second hand clothing store.
I wish it was open today, I would have popped in and had a look, I used to love Frenchie's when I lived in NS.

Sweaty selfie.

Got the 15k done.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.

My video check in for today.

Rob and Jen were both in Summerside getting a few things so the both picked me up.
I was really craving clams so I ordered some from The Jolly Roger at Spinnakers Landing.
They were expensive but they hit the spot.

We stopped and picked up a few groceries for this afternoon.
We are having another family get together, this time with my mom's side of the family at my Uncle Gerald's in Tignish.
We are having a potluck bbq and we said we'd bring all the condiments.

We were later getting there then we had planned but better late than never right?

Lots of people were already there when we got there.
Marlayna, Amanda, Santana and Madison.

Chavonne, Mallory and her new baby, Mason, Ryanna, Colleen and Keith.

Coleen, Pam and the twins, Joan and Mom

Mom, Rhonda and Linda.

Lisa, Bella and Jen.

Derryl, Blair and Jimmy.

Wade and Rodney.

Mom and Gerald.
We had the get together at Gerald's - it was so nice of him to let us invade his space.
Gerald's is where Mom stays while she is in PEI.

Betty and Todd.

Chavonne and Me.

It was so nice to see everyone - it's been years since I've seen some of them.

There's Kenley, she was just a little toddler last I saw her.

Arlene made it over.

So did Allan and Troy.

We had bbq for supper, hamburgers and hot dogs - note the top cut bun - my favorite.
There were lots of salads to choose from too, one even had lobster on it.

We all visited while we ate.

There was a lot of musical chairs going on too - people moving around and visiting with other people.

Keisha and Karver dropped by.

We got some nice pictures of all the brothers and sisters together.
The only one missing was Vieny.

This is my favorite shot.

Krista just got back from a weekend in Halifax with her honey and she made a stop by.

I think everyone else enjoyed getting together just as much as I did.

Gerald had picked up some lobster, cooked it and froze it just so we could have it when we came.
Since we are heading back to Jen's tonight, he brought that out after supper for us.

Hope she was happier about that lobster than she looked (she was)!

We got a table out, some newspaper, a few utensils then lobster picking was underway.

I was so excited - I looooove lobster.

A few others came over and had a bite or two, like Betty.

Todd and Charlie.

I was in my glory.
Mostly everyone else there either didn't like lobster (what?) or they have it so often that they weren't really interested in partaking today.

After we had a good feed, Jen and Mom worked on getting the meat out of the rest of the lobsters.
We left some there for Mom, Gerald and Betty to have for breakfast and we took the rest back to Jen's with us so we would have lobster sandwiches tomorrow.

The visiting continued on well into the evening.

Jimmy and Allan.

Coleen and Betty.

This crew again, can't believe they were all still sitting in the same spot.

The kids had some of Bella's scooters and things out and they were playing on those.

Ryanna is really good on this thing - I don't even know what it's called.

Kenley was bombing around on this little trike thing.

Charlie and Bella.

Ryanna looks so much like her Dad Ryan who passed away a few years ago.

Dare devil kids!
They wanted me to record them going down the ramp.

A few extras dropped by after supper just to say hello.
Brandon, his girlfriend Marissa and their daughter Rylee.

Rylee was going around exploring - she was super cute.


I love her little crocs.

Next Megan showed up with her daughter Brynn and her sisters Keira and Lydia.

Rylee was curious 

But she didn't really want to go to anyone except Rhonda.

I've never met some of these new little ones so I was glad they were able to drop by.

Check out Miss Brynn's gorgeous red hair!

It was so nice today to see everyone - it's been awhile and I'm not sure when I'll see everyone again.

We still had to drive back to NS tonight so we said our good byes to everyone and hit the road around 8 pm.

We made a pit stop by our property so I could show it to Rob but the grass had grown so high that you couldn't see a thing.

Last time I was here this was an open field, now you can't even see anything, the grass is taller than me.
Anyway, that was a bust.
We got back on the road and headed to Jen's.
Rob did the driving which was a lovely break for Jen and I.

When we got back to her place, it was late so we basically just headed right to bed.

Crystal posted this family picture from our Drumhellar trip that I thought I would share.

Jason had Freya over today and he sent me some pictures of their adventures.
This is Doing and Experiment.

Next up - pizza making.

Freya wanted to help of course, he gave her a pizza of her own to put toppings on.

One of the finished pizzas.
Looks fantastic!

Sampling the wares.

She wanted to go to the park later and she wanted to wear her pj's.
She just loves these onesies that I got her.

Notice the knees?

She took the knees out of them by sliding on the skateboard park ramps.
Later she told me that she can't wear these ones anymore because they are 'broken'.
Good thing she has 3 more pair.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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