Saturday 16 July 2022

Shubie Park, Pleasant St. Diner and Digby (June 8, 2022)

I had a lot of bad dreams last night for some reason so I didn't sleep well until around 6 am then I just crashed until 9:30 am.

I had planned on getting my run in early so that put a wrench in things.
We needed to pick the car up at noon so we just had coffee and visited with Jen until it was time for her to take us over there.

We went to Enterprise on Windmill Road in Dartmouth - we use them all the time.
The lady that helped us was the most friendly and thorough that we've ever had in all the history of car rentals EVER!

We had reserved a compact car - we got a cute little Kia - kind of a weird green color but we really liked it.


It was a Seltos.

From there, Jen headed to get her hair done and we headed to go for our run.

We checked out a new trail that someone told us about at Shannon Park but it was only 1.2 km and I needed to run 10 k so we went to Shubie Park instead.

It's changed somewhat since I used to come here.

There is a dock set up for kayaker's/canoer's which is awesome.

Everything was so nice and green and the trails were so nice.

Curious chipmunk in Shubie Park.
They are very friendly and not shy at all.

I got a bit turned around - there are lots of new trails, but I figured it out and I got my 10k finished up.

Had a bit of a walk to get back to where I started but that was ok - it was beautiful.

I used to come here a lot when I lived here but I'd forgotten how gorgeous it was down there.

There's Jason!

Shubie SElfie!

We were both sweaty messes but we were done - feeling good!

Did 10.34k all together.

My exercise stats and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.
A little higher than I was expecting.

My check in video for today.

These are some of the pictures Jason took in Shubie while he was running.

I used to bring Kody here to feed the ducks.


Trails that meander off into green spaces are so inviting.

I guess this is part of the Trans Canada Trail - I did not know that.

Shubenacadie Trail.

Portobello Bridge.

Dartmouth is known as the City of Lakes and we came across lots of lakes and waterways on our run today through the trails.

There was a little library at the entrance.

We decided to stop for lunch on the way back to Jen's and picked Pleasant St. Diner.

This restaurant has been here forever but I don't think I've ever eaten here before.

They had lots of things on the menu that looked good but since we are near the ocean, I decided to go with the seafood.

I had clams and fries.

Jason had the mushroom swiss burger.
I had a bite to test it out and it was really good.

They had coconut cream pie so I decided to try a slice of it - it was just ok.

After we ate, we headed back to Jen's to clean up and Pack the car.
We are heading to Digby for the next 2 nights.
Jason wants to spend some time at our property down that way and Digby is not that far from it.

We stopped in New Minas at Homesense so I could get a journal.
I also picked up a cute little dress to take home for Freya.

We also made a quick stop at Walmart for some groceries then we were back on the road.

It was rainy and grey out but everything is so green and beautiful.

I got to see all the lupins blooming in the ditches.
I don't think I've been back at the right time of year since I left to be able to see them and they are so lovely.

We got to Digby just after 9 pm and headed straight to our room that Jason booked.
There was this lookout/seating area at the main lobby that looked out over the ocean.

Our room was nice.

It had a deck with a couple of chairs - nice place to sit and have coffee in the morning.

It had a great view.

We were both hungry and there wasn't much open for options so we ended up going with McDonald's.

I hadn't had a McChicken in forever so that's what I ordered.
It was made fresh for me and it wasn't very good - don't think I'll be getting another one anytime soon.

We had flurries for dessert and those were really good!

The area is kind of hilly so not sure where will run tomorrow.

I don't really want to do tough hills, I want somewhere fairly nice and flat.
I'm so over hills right now after last week in NFLD - I feel like I need a little break from them.

Dad was on my mind a lot today.
I think maybe being back here near the area where I grew up is bringing back a lot of memories.

It is still so surreal to me that he is no longer here with us.

Haylee posted some pictures of the goings on back in Alberta I thought I would share.

Kody got some new glasses.
They suit him.

He and Haylee out for dinner.

He's a pretty handsome guy if I do say so myself.

Love the clown nose Freya or Plown nose as she would say.

Cute nose Kody!

Zepplyn and Freya both got clown noses.

Looking forward to coffee on our balcony in the morning.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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