Monday 18 July 2022

Party in the Park (June 18, 2022)

I had a nice sleep in this morning and I needed it. 

When I was having my morning coffee, Professor Snuggles came by wanting some cuddles.

He's not normally cuddly so it's unusual when he wants to cuddle and be pet so I always make sure to give him lots when he is in the mood.

I kind of did some procrastinating this morning.
I finished off the last two episodes of Season Two of Bridgerton.

Then I made arrangements to book a community center in PEI to have a small Celebration of Life for my dad when I go there in July.
I called my cousin Pam and she told me who to get in touch with.

I finally got out for my run around noon.
There was a lull in the rain so I planned that well!

I only had to run 8k today which was nice - I did manage to avoid my dreaded hill - need to stop doing that!

My exercise details and average heart rate.
151 is pretty good.

My average pace and splits.
A bit up from yesterday but that's ok.
The hills are super tough.

My video check in for today.

Kody and Haylee were going to the Party in the Park in Whitecourt this afternoon and they asked me if I wanted to join them and the plan was to leave around 1:30/2:00 so as soon as I got home, I hopped in the shower to get ready.

I ended up taking my own vehicle because I had a few errands to run first.
I had to get the cats some cat food - Morgan happened to be at the Vet too picking up food for her fur babies.
She and Tanner are headed back east for a 3 week vacation on Monday.

Then I popped into the second hand store and got a bunch of little dresses for Freya.
I had to get some groceries too but decided I'd do that later so I headed to the park.

It was super busy but I found a parking spot right away luckily and Kody and Haylee pulled in right after me.
Then Crystal and Randy pulled right in after them - they had a bit harder of a time finding a spot to park.

Freya noticed the Spiderman bouncy house right away with her little eagle eyes so we headed over there first so the girls could play in them.

There were all kinds of different ones there.

A whole row of them.

The unicorn one was a hit.

This one with the bouncy slide was Freya's favorite.

She was having so much fun that we had a hard time convincing her to get out of it.

Some of the Paw Patrol characters were roaming around so we got to get our picture take with them.

There were food vendors there so after the bouncy houses, we got snacks.
I had a hot dog and it was so good - the bun was nice and soft, just the way I like.

There was a stage there and entertainment going on all day so we sat to watch some of it.
Haylee's aunt Leanne was there - it was my first time meeting her, and a friend of her was scheduled to perform at 5:15 so we all wanted to see her.

She bought the girls these blow ups - Spiderman was perfect for Freya, she loves Spiderman.
Amazingly, they were only $5 bucks - what a great deal!

The girls were having fun running around and Freya was doing some gymnastics.

Practicing her somersaults.

Her fancy dance moves.

Freya kept asking to go swimming and Haylee happened to have a swimsuit in her car for her so we walked over there and got her changed then I took her 'swimming'.
There isn't really a pool there, there is just a splash park and a lazy river.

The top of the lazy river has a bit of a 'pool' area so Freya played in there a bit.
It was really slippery so she kept falling.

Getting some sun.
I'd like to pick up a few tubes and take Freya back some time to actually go down the river.
I did see some kids going down with nothing but I didn't have a bathing suit with me otherwise I might have tried taking her down just like that.

After a couple more slips in the 'pool' I convinced her to go over to the splash park.

Zepplyn was over there playing too.

It's a cute little splash park and the girls were able to cool down a bit so that was good.

Playing in the splash park.

I happened to get her this towel/cover up at the second hand store this morning so it came in handy.
She really liked it.

When we left the splash park, Freya said she was hungry.

I offered to get her a hot dog or hamburger but no, she wanted what daddy had earlier which was a donair.
So I got her one of course.

She ate it too.
We sat back with her Mom and Dad and she shared it with them.

We were back in time to watch Leanne's friend perform.
She had a great voice.

Crystal, Randy and Zepplyn.

Crystal dyed Zepplyn's hair a purple color which is kind of hard to see but it looked really good.

Another of my purchases from this morning came in handy, a cute little dress.
She loved it.

Checking out Spidey - I think she wanted to let the air out but she wasn't able to on her own.
She's like a little destructo sometimes.

What a lovely way to spend an afternoon, laying on the grass listening to some good performers.

I actually did my hair after my shower, it's been sometime, normally it's just up in a bun.

Just a random guy walking around on stilts in the park.

This little guy was loving the music.
I love his smiles.

The last performers we saw before leaving were Mac Daddy, the Fleetwood Mac experience.
They were really good.
I would have liked to stay and watch their whole set but it was getting late and I some other things I needed to do.
So we just watched a couple of their songs before heading out.

We went to Mr Mikes for supper.

Kody and Haylee.


Somehow I missed getting pictures of Crystal and I.

I ordered a quesadilla.
Normally I can only eat half so I was thinking I'd take half home to Jason but guess I was hungry because I ate the whole thing and it was yummy.

It was busy at the restaurant and only one waitress working so we were there for a long time.
Freya wanted to come in my car and I let her.

My plan was to stop for ice cream then go to Walmart to get a few things that I needed however, after the ice cream, it was already 8:45 so I decided not to stop at Walmart after all tonight.

I figured I'd just come back tomorrow, do my run here then get my groceries before heading home.
Freya fell asleep as soon as we hit the highway.
She slept the whole way home.
She was spending the night so I was a bit worried that I'd have trouble getting her to go to sleep after but it wasn't so bad.
She and Jason played until around 11 then she watched YouTube on my phone for a while then I told her it was time to sleep and she gave me the phone and immediately fell asleep.

This Facebook Memory popped up with these cute pictures of Freya I thought I would share.

Kody and Freya.

Pouty lips.

My little sunshine.

I loved this little jogging set I got for her - it was so cute on her.

Putting on some lip gloss.

Aww - she is just too darn cute.

She picked a flower for mommy.

Someone shared this picture of some kids swimming at 'The Creek' in St Nicholas.
I kind of thought the boy 5th from the left might be my Dad, we all have the same squinty eyes when we smile.

My cousin confirmed that it was my dad.
I love this picture - even if I hadn't known any of the kids in it, what a great picture.
I think I'm going to get it enlarged and printed and framed.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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