Tuesday 19 February 2019

Quiet Day (Feb.18, 2019)

 Even though today was a holiday, I went in to the office to work.

I had a cinnamon raisin bagel before I went in.
It was delicious too!

So I ate before my weigh in which I don't normally do.
I've not been eating very well so I wasn't expecting a loss anyway.

I tried one of these mid morning for a snack.
I like the bacon, cheddar one better.
I was the only one in the office so it was really quiet, time just flew by.
I ran home for a few minutes to give NCT the signs I had ready to go and I grabbed some leftover tuna casserole to take back to the office with me for lunch.

It was pretty darn good - I think I liked it more today than yesterday.
NCT got her hubby to put frames on the signs she'd picked up from me and she sent me this.
They look pretty good - I'm super pleased with how they turned out.

I did some cuddling with Paddington before I had to head out to curling.

Isn't he just the cutest?
I stopped at NCT's on my way to curling and she told me that a lady from town had passed away this afternoon from a massive heart attack.
She was only 60.
I feel for her family, how heart breaking.
It really makes a person stop and think about their lifestyle and what changes they should think about making.
It was our last night of curling for the regular season and we won so that was nice.
The game ended a little early and that didn't hurt my feelings at all.
I saw this on Facebook - what a cute idea!
My Honey was home from curling when I got home but he was super tired from his long day yesterday so he headed straight to be.
I went shortly after but made sure to set an alarm for 12:15 am so I could get up and check us in for our flight.
Off to Miami tomorrow, yahoo!!!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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