Sunday, 3 February 2019

Burritos and Taco Soup (Jan.24, 2019)

It was super cold out again this morning.
I started the truck then got back in bed and snuggled up to My Honey while I let the truck warm up.

I finally did head out though, weighed in first thing when I got there.
Down a little - yippee!

Getting on the treadmill kind of fell off the radar but I'm still eating wisely.
I am going to start back on the treadmill on Saturday.

We are going to WCT tonight and I'm going to invite the kids to sleep over tomorrow night so Saturday will be my first chance!

I had cottage cheese and grapes for my snack at break.  It is so delicious.

I had leftover adobo chicken for lunch and My Honey was making bagels (from scratch) so I couldn't resist.
They had just come out of the oven and the aroma was divine.
I had a half of one while it was still warm with some butter on it.
OMG - it was totally worth every single calorie.

I took a couple back to the office for the folks there to sample.
They were so delicious that I just had to share.

I think they were just as impressed with them at the office as I was.
It was super windy out there this afternoon and the Purolator driver said the roads out there were horrible.

Another vendor dropped in and said the roads were a mess too so when I got home, I told My Honey and we decided not to chance it.

We didn't urgently have to get to WCT and it wasn't worth risking it so we just stayed home.

It was one of those freezing cold, blustery days where all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch Netflix.

That's just what I did too except I watched some Outlander that I'm trying to get caught up on.
Paddington was snuggling with us on the couch.

My Honey had him wrapped up in the blanket like a little burrito and I think he just loved it!  Ha ha, not!

He was giving My Honey the evil eye!

I actually think he was loving every minute of it.

It was totally a soup kind of day so My Honey got some taco soup out of the freezer and thawed it out.
We popped down to the store to grab some tortilla chips and green onions to go on it and we cashed in a bunch of lottery tickets that we had sitting around the house.

We ended up picking up the few things we'd gone down there to get and another lottery ticket and we still got $100.00 back.
Not too shabby!

The taco soup hit the spot perfectly!

Paddington was having a curl up and snooze kind of day.
He lays in some of the funniest ways.
That was our evening - we didn't do too much but it was perfect.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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