Saturday, 2 February 2019

Persistence Pays Off! (Jan.14, 2019)

I'm not sure why because I slept really well last night but when I got up this morning I was super tired.
I weighed in this morning when I arrived at work and I thought I did really well over the weekend so I was bummed to see that I was up a bit.

267.0 lbs.
I did eat a lot of nuts last night so I guess that was a bad idea.

Work was busy today.
I have a project due tomorrow that I of course procrastinated on so I worked on it most of the day.
I didn't get as far along in it as I hoped unfortunately so looks like I will be spending time again on it tomorrow.

I had cottage cheese and grapes for my break snack and I'd forgotten how much I liked it - yummy!

We had a full house at break again, SV was back so it was nice to see her.

I went home for lunch and had some salad with some left over steak up on top.
It was really good.

The afternoon was spent working more on my project that is due tomorrow.
By the end of the day I wasn't even halfway through so I'm thinking my procrastinating ways has bitten me in the butt this time.

I could probably get it done in time if I worked on it all day tomorrow but I can't really do that because I have other things that I need to do but I'll try my best.

I had only two things on my to do list because I knew with curling I'd be strapped for time but when I got home from work, I felt so tired that I actually went in and had a nap.
I very rarely have naps during the day but I felt like I needed it.

I only laid down for a half hour and I think I did drift off.
I felt much better when I woke up so it was worth it.

When I got up, My Honey had supper cooked.

We had picked up a whole roast chicken yesterday in the city and he made broccoli and rice.
I'm not crazy for rice so opted for some left over mashed potatoes that were in the fridge but supper was delicious.
Right after I ate, I headed over to curling.

They really gave us a beating.
The score was 6 to 1 after the 5th so we figured we'd play back on the 6th and then quite.
Well we ended up getting 3 points so we continued on.
Then in the 7th we just bombed, I think they got like 5 points and at that point we were done.
We didn't even play back, we just pushed the rocks back.

That's two horrible games in a row.  Hopefully we get our poop in a group for this weekend's bonspiel.

After work I dropped of the new comforter set I'd picked up on the weekend to my niece.
Then when I got home, My Honey & I watched some YouTube videos on food in Miami.
Watching them makes us even more excited to go on our trip.
We saw some good things that I can't wait to get there and try.

I ended up not getting anything on my to do list done but I'll just do it tomorrow.

These two were cuddled together on the couch together all evening.

Boy how things have changed since we brought Paddington home.

I figured it out!!!
This shot of her makes me so happy.
I made it my screen saver on my phone and every time I see it I smile.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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